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Posts posted by Fred

  1. I'm not a fan of the Brickskeller either. Food miserable beer selection well let's just say it looks good on paper but try ordering an Allagash Triple Reserve and see what happens. I just feel dirty when I come out of that joint. For me the best beer selection in the general vacinity is Lost Dog Cafe. I know, I know the 3 beer limit is a kick in the pants but the sandwiches are good and if your still in the mood to kick a few back after three at least you can drive home with a six pack of whatever you like. Eagerly looking forward to the opening of the Lost Cat Cafe next door.

  2. I think upscale, local places in the outer suburbs are challenged in a few ways:  Less population density/foot traffic to drop in on a whim, reluctance of foodies inside the beltway to go "out there", different demographics-more families with kids that will go to places they feel comfortable bringing their children to- and lastly, competition from chains.

    This is a really great point and I think it speaks directly to why there are not more L'Auberge etc. type of restaurants in the suburban areas of DC.

  3. There were a lot of empty store fronts on M St Saturday.  Maybe the rents are a little too high?

    To coin a phrase your right on the money here. Unfortunately I think the commercial real estate market is doing a couple things to these great restaurants and shops.

    1) making it harder and harder to turn a profit due to the increase in rent leases etc.

    2) making it hard to refuse an insane offer from a national chain willing to pay top dollar for a fantastic storefront with tons of collegiate foot traffic.

    G-town used to have and edge to it....not so much anymore.

  4. edit to add: Really bad weather the next two days will prohibit shrimping.  Seas are expected as high as 22feet and gale-force winds to 45knots. Last night is the last auction for a couple days so the time to shop for them is tonight and tomorrow! 

    Ahhh good Gulf of Maine weather. good picture taking weather I bet there will be some good rolers out at the Portland head light.

  5. I have not tasted Morimoto's cooking, although he is coming to Tyson's this fall.  But, based on what I have seen, I believe there are two totally different perspectives.  And, often, one's absolute love of food does not necessarily lead to the most efficient preparation of it.  In fact, if taste were the only prerequisite, I suspect that there would be a different Iron Chef.  I also wonder what kind of comments there will be on here about Tyson's Morimoto, knowing what most critics have to say about Laboratorio.  If taste, if texture, if sensorial pleasure were the only criteria I know that Roberto is the Iron Chef that I would trust for the meal of my dreams, for the meal of my life. 

    Wait a second, how does one make this obvious back handed statement about Morimoto's passion for food and love of cooking when one has not been to his restaurant or eaten his food? I think it's wrong to say that just because Chef Donna couldn't manage to a one hour time period is because he has more passion and love for food, regardless of whether he was in a new kitchen or not. A little less time throwing salt and flour and haming it up for the camera and more time cooking could have saved him. Extrodinary chef no doubt about it but come on there is a reason why Morimoto sells out the house every night in Philly.

  6. I just returned from watching this with 200+ others at Galileo.  For Morimoto this was his 77th appearance on Iron Chef; for Roberto it was his first.  In fact Roberto had never seen the show before the taping; he was honored to be selected for this (Mario Batali is the only other Italian American chef selected) yet had no real idea of what he was going to experience.  Now that he knows the format, the kitchen layout and the pacing (as Morimoto with 77 previous experiences) he looks forward to the possibility of a rematch and (my word) redemption.

    On March 30th (Weds.) he is duplicating his five courses for The Iron Chef  in the Laboratorio.  This was just announced tonight at the end of the taping.  The cost is $110.

    Is he providing a discount if you are not served in a timely manner? :raz:

    No, you just can't eat them if they are not plated within one hour.

  7. My favorites are Wide World of Wines. Awesome selection a good prices. I go here for Port. One of the better selections in the city I think. I also like The Vineyard in Reston. The guy who is running the store now has some amazing juice most of which is in the back but he is happy to show you. Personally I hate Total Wine just because for the amount of wine that's in that store I do not trust their provenance at all.

  8. The Dogfish boys also invented a device they call the Randalizer, you tap the beer through a canister filled with fresh hops, imparting a extra hops kick to the beer...they have one at RFD.

    I had the 90 minute through the Randalizer at the Oktoberfest in Shirlington.....WOW I can still taste the hops, spectacular!

  9. The Dogfish 60 & 90 minute IPA are my favorite beers. Sam summered on Dogfish Head in Southport ME, I grew up a few mile from there and a couple years ago he came back and threw a huge party in Boothbay to introduce Dogfish beers to the area. Mmmmmmm tons of free Dogfish, it was a good time.

  10. I've learned to trust that whatever Michael wants cook I will eagerly consume without objection or question.

    This is an empire in the making. And to think there was a time when you could just walk into Ray's The Steaks and get a table whenever you wanted......even though Michael told me I should really try and make a reservation first, I've never been that good at listening.

  11. My brother recently ate at Clio and RAVED. My favorite seafood restaurant in the city is East Coast Grill. Warning on ECG there are no reservations so be prepared to wait but it's worth it.

  12. I was all ready for a hearty lunch until I read about the used bandaid in the Arlington poster's Thai food. 

    Now my curiosity is peaked: what's the worst/most disturbing thing you have ever found or had a customer discover in a dish?

    A well done steak when I SPECIFICALLY asked for Med. Rare....YUCK that's just gross.

  13. JohnnyD Absolutely agree with you it's a mad house, but if it wasn't the town couldn't very well survive. The fact is that Brud is too old to run his cart properly anymore, that's just the way it goes. I'm not privy to whether someone could help Brud out or not, but I can tell you that bureaucratic decisions like this get made in Philly, NYC, and in Boothbay. Just because we are a small town (in the winter) these situations are magnified. No one is throwing Brud out into the street. He is a decorated war vet and deserves and gets support from this town. I personally wouldn't be surprised to see someone running his cart this summer and him sitting next to it. I don't mean to be edgy about the subject, just one of those things you learn growing up in Boothbay when the rest of the world thinks they run your town for 4 months of the year.

  14. As someone who grew up in Boothbay Harbor I'd like to quickly chime in. I've known Brud for years, he is a landmark in Boothbay and it is too bad that his source of income is being taken away. That being said the town has tried for a couple of years to take away his vendor license not because they dislike Brud or think he is a nusence. There are some serious health issues at stake, Brud is not a young or even middle age guy any more. There have been some serious issues with the quality of food he serves and the confidence that he was maintaining health code standards. The town can't take the risk when it comes to these issues, and trust me they have had deal with it for years. Brud is the man, but I wouldn't eat one of his hotdogs if you paid me. It's sad to see him go and his cart should be bronzed but it had to happen.

    PS. Johnny swing through town I bet you don't get that "theme park" feeling :biggrin:

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