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Everything posted by LJFATS


    staff meal

    stressfull day. I woke up at 10:09, I was supose to be at job 1 at 10 am. I had pulled pork w/ Cattlemans yellow bbq sauce and tasted the mashers I made. job 2 . shrimp and steak w/ fake boursin cheese. and more mashers...........I AM SO SICK OF THE PURRED FORM OF POTATO. call my chef and tell him to change the menu. (about to vent) Do you know what I cook at home instead of mashed p's? grits, fries(crinkled or tater tots). hell I made quinoa the other night. sorry. just tired of mashed anything. For desert I am having Busch. " beer. the cause and solution to all mans problems.", Homer.
  2. I used to work at 39 Rue de jean during school. I recomend it, also Bessingers BBQ on Savanna hwy.

    staff meal

    Welcome back Belly. Tacos can't hardly ever do you wrong. The best I ever had was in Aztec, NM. Well Mexican food, any way. ("There's a new Mexico"- Homer.) I worked both jobs and had grocery store sushi in-be-tween, Taco Bell after, and caffine during.

    staff meal

    job 1. I had creamy artichoke soup w/ roasted red peppers and spinich I made for s.o.d. job 2. We had gator tail w/ horseradish honey mustard sauce. I also had some grouper, mashed pots, and what ever I could dip in Cattlemans.

    staff meal

    Welcome Lambfries.

    staff meal

    Blackend crab cake sandwich on jalapano chedder bread w/ spicy mustard, iceberg, and red tomato slices.

    staff meal

    Job 1. pulled pork, caffine, and potato and mushoom soup w/ beef that I made for s.o.d. Job 2. wings, mashers, caffine, pinched some white chedder also. Home. Busch beer.
  8. How about this? I reached in the oven for a saute pan and burned my arm on the bottem rack and then promptly jerked up and burned my arm on the top rack. 2 for the price of 1. I fall for this one all the time. I keep my tongs in my back pocket from time to time. Well I will pull something outa the fryer and then wipe them off but forget that they are still rocket hot. I have done that dance more than once.

    staff meal

    job 1. meatballs job 2. smoked tuna wanton w/ cream cheese (experament, successful), fried snickers in a wanton ( experament, also successful).
  10. LJFATS

    Lobster Creme Brulee

    Just a suggestion. If you could so how incorperate marscapone in to it the sugar would work. Or on a seperate note, try candieing lemon zest. Also maybe, finely chop some sundried tomatoes and mix w/ alittle more sugar. I think that would crust or carmelize some. LJ
  11. LJFATS

    staff meal

    what didn't I eat today....the kitchen sink. but I had a sub I brought, some blackend stripped bass, crab mushroom ragu, tons of peel and eat shrimp left over from sun brunch that I was supose to peel and not eat (I hate peeling shrimp so it was tax). oh, I had crappy bag-in-the-box lemonade. better than pepsi.
  12. LJFATS

    staff meal

    we season it w/ s/p and mesquete(sp) seasoning. then get a good sear on it. put it in a roasting pan, fill up 'bout half way w/ kaluha, put it in the oven at a low temp and come back 6 hours later....Set It and Forget It!!!! it is so good. i made sandwiches the next day for me and the 2 dish dawgs (keep them happy). i didn't work today, but i made shrimp pesto w/ baby portabellas, roasted red peppers, lemon, spinich and a little bit of tomato tossed w/ fresh angle hair. i wanted to get some goat or blue cheese, but my girlfriend is pregnant so we decided to do research on softer cheeses 1st.
  13. LJFATS

    staff meal

    Pork butt or shoulder slow braised in Kaluha, mashed pots, and creamy potato soup w/ oyster crackers. To many potatoes today, I also had fries w/ b/c dressing. Off yesterday. Monday I made hush puppies for the 1st time. The sous chef used them to tp the chilli he made w/ 5 or 6 different kinds of pork. It was so experlitive good. mmmm.....tasso, bacon, shoulder, ham, salami, andoulie, panchetta, and maybe even prussutto(sp?).
  14. strangly enough, I agree w/ you on a couple of points. Jax restaurant sene is kinda bland, and it sucks because thats where I make my money. I have cooked in Charleston, Atlanta, Orlando, and Telluride, CO (where I had the best chicken fried steak other than my own, go figure??). Compared to those towns Jax is not a pimple on god's ass, restauant wise. Honestly all Jax has is BBQ. But to my point as to why defend N.E. FL as "technaclly" Southern (the joke is , "This ain't Florida. It's south Georgia") is the way pll act and love thier food is the same here as in 3 of the mentioned areas above. My freinds never let me down with a good meal prepared with love when I come over. 95% of the time southern all the way. I have lived up-north, central FL, and out west...not the same vibe. I have traveled this country abit and it's just my theroy. Also, I think Al Roker needs to do a BBQ special on Jacksonville. Thanks.
  15. LJFATS

    staff meal

    blackened burger on jalapano cheder bread w/ swiss, sauted onions, and jerk mayo. and 2 wings and fries w/ b/c dressing
  16. LJFATS

    staff meal

    Navy bean soup w/ ham, snaged some ham and white chedder from the sunday brunch prep, and 2 crab cakes. now that I think about it... no mashed potatoes...wierd.
  17. Does anyone remember "The Keg" on king St. in Charleston? I think it was on the same block as Sermet's Corner and Zebo's. I would go there after class at JW drink $1.25 Buds and watch the old crazy vets scream at the John Wanye movie on the tv "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WAS!!!!"
  18. Chip, I will pay you $.50 a 1/6 pan you fill for me and $.75 a 1/3 outa my own pocket. Get a job as a prep/dish dawg, if after a month or so the line cooks still like you you may have the skills. Seriously, at a "high-end" rest. this is what you will have to do. Don't wanna wash pots like most of us have had to ( and do when a dish dawg no shows)? Get a job at a sports bar. Learn how to grill, fry, saute(kinda), bake, and etc... Learn humility. "High-end' chefs are as!-holes. You wanna start at the top, they will break you down. Give us line cooks respect, wash a pot, peal a potato, go to school...all of wich I have done. Sorry to be so pissy, but my "real job"/your hobbie is paying my rent and baby docter bills for my unborn child. LJ
  19. Amen Chip! I think Carrot Top lives/lived on Amelia Island here in N.E. FL. p.s. I am such a jack -ss. You are not talking about the comidian are you? sorry, sorry,sorry
  20. LJFATS

    staff meal

    Ate my weight in mashed potatoes (ok not really), piece of fried grouper, some chipolte beef soup (spicey), pinched some ham and cheese prep for sunday brunch. Let's see, some tiramisu, a piece of prushuto, and I fried up some cheese squares that came back from a buffet. And Mt. Dew. Here comes another hurricane . Rain isn't cute anymore.
  21. Shopping for food, try: Blue Buddha Exotic Foods Inc. (904) 389-6019 2706 Park St. in Riverside They have impoted cheese, mushrooms of all sorts, fresh herbs of all kinds, and if they don't have it they may be able to order it. Sorry shameless plug... I used to work there.
  22. I have worked in restaurants and dinned in jax for 14 years, so I guess I'll throw my 2 cents in. BBQ: Sony's, Jenkens (d-town by FCCJ), Jorgie's (just don't get take-out), The Pig (on Normandy), or hire me to BBQ for ya, lol. Mexican: La Napolera (hands down). I prefer the one in San Marco. Pizza: (In town) Pizza Palace, (Beaches) Al's. Deli/sandwiches: European Street. They have a huge impot beer selection w/ packege store. Oh, and Publix has great subs. Sushi: Yoshi's on Baymedows. My fav. anyway. Chinnesse: Good (experlitive) luck. Places I have worked and may have not liked the managment, but the food was real good: Biscottie's for the brushetta and Bistro Aix for deserts. Hoitie Toitie: Mathews, Giovani's, Dwights (Pennman RD. at the beach. Find it, it is worth it). Seafood: 1st Grill, Golden grouper in Fernandina, Chart House, Harpoon Louie's, and even Jene's (chain). Shameless plug cause I work there: Try the crab cakes, smoked salmon, grouper, and chocolate chip creme brulle at River City Brewing Co. I am sure I'll remember more.
  23. LJFATS

    staff meal

    Today was pay-day. I bought a sub at the grocrey store and ate it at work. hmmm...ok, I had some mashers as always, but sometimes the food you look at and smell (and smell like) everyday does not do the trick. Oh I did have a sly coffee cup of black bean soup. Belly I need your co-worker to send me some carne asada con frihole(sp) frita y ensalada guacamole. p.s. I am drunk. I should not atempt to spell Mexican Spanish. But I did, sorry....
  24. LJFATS

    staff meal

    Katie, that sounds sooo good. I had a scrap of potato crusted mahi ( and I mean scrap), fries w/ b/c dressing, and a Redbull like drink mixed w/ iced tea ( I know on another thread I said I dislike iced tea) and lemon aide. Caffiene and sugar make me work hard. I am off Sunday, gonna cook ribs at the folks house. No hurricaines, It is finally summer in Florida.
  25. LJFATS

    staff meal

    Today seems I couldn't stop eating yet can't remember any of it. Don't know if you have those days.
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