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Everything posted by Chufi

  1. I could, except I've never seen, eaten, or cooked with jicama as I'm typing, I'm thinking CHUTNEY! Not that that has it's place in the Baking Forum. But it's funny how the mind works! ETA: thanks Bruce that's a lot of applerecipe on that website!
  2. I have about 5 pounds of unripe apples. (Don't ask). It's not clear what kind of apple they are, but someone who knows his apples suggested they are related to Jonagold. They aren't ripe, but they are not too acidic. I want to use as much of them as possible in a cake. So I need ideas for a cake/pie that uses a lot of apples (I have many applecake recipes that only use one or 2). Thanks!
  3. Kathleen, thank you so much, I loved it! and it was great to hear you sing. I hope you'll have a concert in Amsterdam some day. The fava beans with morcilla have been haunting me since I saw them on this blog. I'll be making that, or something like it, soon! This glimpse of your new life has been very inspiring to me. I wish you all the best in music, love and Spanish life!
  4. Chufi

    Dinner! 2007

    Wendy, a party that includes both cocktails and lego sounds perfect to me! your plum tart looks so good. I think plums are my favorite fruit to bake with, even when the fruit is not of the very best quality, baking makes it sweet and juicy.
  5. Chufi

    Dinner! 2007

    I´m not Emily, but Bella, the recipe is here
  6. Chufi

    Dinner! 2007

    Haven't posted here in a while, but here are 2 recent dinners: Monkfish in chipotle mayo with fried plantains followed by fried chicken which was served with corn-avocado-basil salad and runner beans with bacon, cream, hazelnuts &tarragon, and corncakes dessert was David Ross´ lemon blackberry bars This weekend: roasted leeks with a caper vinaigrette and boiled eggs (I think I stole this from little ms foodie!) Beans with pork and carrots from Paula Wolferts Southwest France book and redcurrant meringue pie, a recipe from Nigella Lawson´s Domestic Goddess book.. this was so good.. a hazelnut crust, tangy redcurrant filling, sweet meringue..
  7. oh and one more thing I LOVE checkered tablecloths. Only a couple of hours into this blog and I´ve already seen 2 different ones!
  8. Because it's European. ← Not Dutch, though. When living at home with my parents, we had dinner at 6:30 which is relatively late for Dutch standards (6:00 would be considerd the most ´normal´). When I went and lived on my own I may have had a brief stage of rebellion when I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, but now I´ve gone back to a more regular pattern I have breakfast around 7:30, lunch around noon, and dinner around 6:30, 7:00. After the noon lunch, and almost no snacking in the afternoon besides maybe some fruit, I´m REALLY hungry by then. And I get REALLY cranky when for some reason I don´t get fed around that time. I mean, really, really cranky
  9. thanks for taking me to Portland, johnnyd! I really enjoyed it - your writing, the seafood, the clear blue skies, the fishing trips. And I saved your braised pork recipe, that looked so good.
  10. Kathleen, what fun! I'm really looking forward to this. I've been to Madrid once and loved it. I really admire you for having the courage to simply turn your life around like that.. and I'm so glad it's working out for you! Oh, tortilla!
  11. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of the blue ocean and sunny skies. And the lobster! I have to ask about this: I love papaya with lime, especially for breakfast, but I´m curious about the 'undeniable effect' it has on your body
  12. the recipe for kletskoppen is here (I made them with almonds but you can substitute peanuts!)
  13. Brian, thanks for the report! I hope you don't mind my interfering with your post, but for future reference, I thought I'd add some addresses and links for the places you've mentioned: Toscanini Lindengracht 75 Just heard from a friend who was there this weekend and had a great dinner. I haven't been there in 12 years or so, must go back soon! Plancius Plantage Kerklaan 61 A Bordewijk Noordermarkt 7 Bordewijk has been so high on my wishlist for a long time, and your dinner sounds great... Pancakes
  14. Chufi


    another little food-faux-pas; after Colette has summed up all ingredients for the sweetbread recipe (and it does sound pretty disgusting, with the liquorice sauce and all) she shouts: veal stomach! Do we have any veal stomach soaking? First I thought the stomach was another ingredient, but now I think they actually meant veal stomach = sweetbreads
  15. mark, I so enjoyed this week with you. I've lived in, or very near, Amsterdam my whole life and my love for the city is deeply rooted within me. It's not often that I get to see my own city through the eyes of someone who discovered it like new territory, a world to be explored. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me see things and realize things that had drifted too far from my own safe comfort zone. To sum it up, this has been an education, an inspiration, and lots of fun. This is my favorite quote: .. in a blog that was as much about discovering great food as it was about sharing it. Thank you best wishes to Mara!
  16. I agree. One of the things this blog is doing for me, is making me realize again how lucky I am to live in a country with such a wide and varied array of foodstuffs.. and that there´s still so much more out there for me to try
  17. maybe comparable to curry in England? just thinking out loud...
  18. we got our dinner at Toko Madjoe in Amstelveen (about 10 minutes by car from Amsterdam). It was good, but not as good as last time we went there, when I was just blown away. That did not happen yesterday. Still, really good food! Looks like you had a fun time at the Gay Parade.. Silly me for trying to ´warn´you about this event
  19. I think your best bet is to go to a good butcher or poultry guy. They usually have housemade frozen stock for sale, or they may have a good commercial brand of fond. Bouillon cubes are, well, you know.. bouilloncubes No better or worse in Dutch supermarkets than anywhere else.. I use them often, for quick soups and stews etc, but ofcourse they can never a be a substitute for Real Stock. It depends on what you want to use them for.
  20. And ofcourse, the whole concept of rijsttafel is a Dutch invention. We're having Indonesian takeout tonight, in honor of your blog!
  21. Yes. I'm thoroughly confused now. Maybe I was just trying to defend myself, the Foodie who Never Tasted Pom.....
  22. It's true, but, I think it's only true for the Indische/Indonesian foods. Everybody knows sate and bami, or at least the not so spicy not so authentic Dutch renditions of these originally Indonesian foods. I mean all the Dutch people know about these foods. But I feel that the Surinamese foods have stayed much more within the Surinamese community and did not spread or become as popular among non-Surinamese people. This difference is interesting.
  23. That looks so good. And I´ve never even tasted pom, but now I feel that I must, soon! It looks like true comfortfood (and just the thing you would want to eat, little bites at a time, after having a tooth/thingie-type surgery. Mara´s a lucky girl!) Many recipes I´ve seen include cloves. Since I love cloves, do you think they would have worked with your recipe?
  24. I have this recipe that I copied from a magazine a long time ago, that I want to try this weekend. It´s a piece of monkfish, marinated in a mixture of beetroot juice, lemon juice and olive oil (for 12 hours), then sliced very thinly and served raw. The beetroot juice penetrates the fish with a dramatic pink color (and adds flavor ofcourse). I only wrote down this part of the recipe, not what to do with the fish. I need some ideas for what to serve them with/ how to serve it, as a a starter.. Some sort of salad seems obvious, but what else?
  25. Chufi


    I finally got to see it yesterday, on the first night it was showing here in The Netherlands! I went with my friend who loves rats and food as much as I do (I have, and he used to have, pet rats). I LOVED it. Both from a food- and rat perspective everything was so well done and beautiful. Did anyone else wonder what that soup tasted like? My friend did comment that they took great trouble not to show too may rat's tails. The tails of rodents are apparently what grosses out people the most about these critters, and ofcourse in the movie they had to be cute and not scary! oh and I was quite disappointed when I woke up this morning and my rats were in their cage and not in the kitchen making me an omelet
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