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Posts posted by Misa

  1. Tonight's dinner had to be quick... DH didn't get up until 9:30pm and he leaves for work at 11pm. So I made steamed veggies with lemon, served over parmesan couscous and black beans.


  2. There is one that I recommend to Ben and Jerry's but they didn't bite...

    Green Tea with Crystalized Ginger bits

    That's funny.... it is the exact same flavor that I suggested to them! I really wish that they would start making it. I think it'd be fairly popular.

  3. I dip squares of dark chocolate into peanut butter -- I've even been known to do that with chocolate chips, which is difficult but it can be done.

    When using chocolate chips, it's easiest to get a shallow spoonful of the peanut butter, then dot the chips on top. Don't ask how I know :wink:

    Actually, dunking an empty spoon into a jar of peanut butter to coat the spoon, then rolling it in chocolate chips is the easiest way.

    Not that I've tried it or anything. :biggrin:

  4. You can reserve them online, however, and pick them up at any location, which I do sometimes.

    Having said that, the downtown library does, indeed, have a TON of cookbooks. Since I like to look through my cookbooks before checking them out, I usually make the trip down there if I'm looking for "Hmm... what sounds fun?" as opposed to "I want something specific."

    And, if you look online to find the book you want, but don't want to wait for it to be reserved, you can always go to the specific library that it is located at.

  5. It floors me when people expect me to bake something for them because "you like doing it." While I do enjoy doing it, I'm not rich. So, when somebody asks me to make them something that would cost me $30 or $40 (because I might not have the ingredients on hand) and I tell them I wouldn't mind doing it, but they'll have cover the cost of the ingredients (and I don't add on labor or anything like that), they get mad. "But I thought you liked doing this. Why should I have to pay for it if you enjoy doing it?" Nevermind the fact that they usually ask on short notice and I still try to do it, even if I'm busy.

  6. You could also try the Seattle Central lunches, with their constantly changing menus you could hit a lot of different things without having something familiar available also.

    I would love to do that, but I'm in school myself (in the bakery there) during that time. I'm seriously considering it for after I graduate though. :laugh:

  7. My little sisters (who are ages 18, 16, and 12) all have a distinct lack of any real "culinary experiences". I became extremely frustrated at hearing "um... what's that?" when talking about various different foods (as in "Um... what's hummus?") last weekend when one of my sisters was over, so have decided to attempt to fix the problem. A lot of their meals come straight out of a box, and they seem to consider Safeway as a good source of Chinese food. :huh: I want to give them some good experiences, but I can't afford to spend much (not to mention that they wouldn't really feel comfortable anywhere that's high-priced).

    I live on Capitol Hill and don't have a car, so it'd have to be somewhere accessible by walking or by bus. Since they come up to Seattle on a semi-regular basis (they live in Federal Way), we could try several different places over the next year or two.

    Any suggestions?

  8. I used to be a busser in a restaurant that tipped out the cooks and bussers, but not the dishwashers.

    My mother works as kitchen managaer/cook at a tavern. She had worked for the owner at his previous tavern, which he sold. At that tavern, there was a counter/window that people could go up to and talk to her. It also had her tip jar. The second tavern didn't. They actually do a lot of business just because of the food, so the owner started requiring his waitstaff/bartenders to tip out the kitchen staff. For a while, they had to pool all of their tips because they had problems where some waitstaff would pick up not only their tips, but they'd go to other sections and pick up other peoples' tips.

  9. It's been "that time of the month" for me almost non-stop for the past three months (yes, I've got "interesting" female issues). I've eaten a lot of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (that new Dreyer's TollHouse is really yummy) and a lot of ice cream. Every couple of weeks, I start really craving meat (usually a steak or a hamburger). If I eat one, I feel okay again and get some energy, until a week or two later...

    I should get frequent buyer points from ice cream companies. Really.

  10. My folks have one of those. (Or something similar. Their burners are rasied ceramic stuff.) I hate it. It retains heat for 15 minutes after you turn it off.

    Living at home, I ruined so many of my mother's plastic bowls by setting them on a hot burner that she finally drilled it into my head that I needed to check the temp first.

    So, in college, I did. Tapped the burner with two fingers. I heard my skin sizzle before I actually felt the pain.

    Hate that stove.

    Ouch. I do that sometimes... with my hand.

    A couple of weeks ago... I had cooked something on the stove. My cat, no matter how much I tell him not to, likes to climb onto the stove and the counter. So, I turn off the stove and put the kettle on top of the burner to protect kitty paws (though it would be a good deterrent, no?) and go into other room. Twenty minutes later, walk back into kitchen to make something for my husband. I move the kettle, start to climb up onto counter to get something from the top shelf and... nearly put my hand onto a glowing orange burner. Luckily, I felt the heat right in time to lift up my hand with just a flicker of a burn on it. It seems that the husband was boiling water for tea. :hmmm: I didn't think to check.

  11. When I worked at Jack-in-the-box (ugh) I would routinely stick my hand into the fryer to retrieve something I'd dropped into it. I was operating on two or three hours of sleep a night, at most.

    But, I will never again decide to microwave water for tea, go to computer, go back to kitchen thinking "It is probably cold," restart microwave, repeat several times. Notice cup doesn't have as much water as you'd like, so add some cold water. Watch cup explode into bits, cutting AND burning you.

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