I have had deep fried grasshoppers in Kunming. Taste just like you mght expect - deep fried grass. A friend told me that when she was younger her family sometimes caught and ate grasshoppers. They plucked off the hind legs, the stomach and stir-fried the remainder. I also had ants in a salad wrap thing. In a specialist insect restaurant I had battered bees fried in garlic and chilli & spring opnion. Crunchy and very tasty. But I think just about anything tastes good cooked up with garlic and chilli. Also had worms that are found in the soil around the roots of bamboo plants. Deep fried, these were then stir-fried with peanuts. Of course we have all eaten plenty of insects, usually unknowingly. Most of us have 'eaten' flies, mosquitoes and other UFOs a as we ride or run open-mouthed. And what about the microscopic ones we miss when we wash vegetables? yep, I we have all tried insects.