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Everything posted by Duvelus

  1. Sounds like and oxymoron to me.
  2. Duvelus, I agree with a lot of what you wrote but had a question about this part quoted above. Do you not count James Beard nominations (as opposed to the actual award)? How about James Beard awards by region? Or do you mean that they should all have won James Beard "Best Chef in the Country Well my point was not all of the chefs were the top drawer chefs like what we see on Top Chef Masters and they should have been. I suspect some of what we are seeing here in the chef selection process for shows like Next Iron Chef and Top Chef masters and I guess to a lesser extent Top Chef is, as a chef. What network do you hitch your wagon? And as for the networks, what chefs do they want in their stable so to speak. I would love to see chefs like Grant Achatz ,Daniel Boulud or Hubert Keller as a Iron Chef, that would be awesome. I don’t really think the time commitment to be on Iron Chef to really be an issue. Iron Chef films multiple episodes a day and only requires a few days a season out of each of the Iron Chefs. And really if you’re a chef at that level you have good people in your places so you don’t always have to be there. Most if not all, of the existing Iron Chefs have more than one establishment and seem to be fine with it. Now shows like Top Chef and Top Chef Masters they do take major time and travel commitments. I have to agree with you about Ming Tsai, he has the name recognition and experience, now if he can just remember to keep it simple.
  3. Ok I will give you my two cents worth. Frankly I’m loosing interest in the whole Iron Chief franchise. The quality of the judges on ICA is hit and miss any more. In the Moi competition, Chef Garces won by one point on originality, making Fish and Chips? Really? The problems I have with The Next Iron Chef is if the Food Network wants to keep the show relevant the Chefs chosen to compete need to be on par with Top Chef Masters. Not Top Chef. Proven established Chefs, with Michelin star experience, James Beard awards and that level of accolades. And as for the competitions on NIC they need to reflect cooking in Iron Stadium. A common ingredient, in a real kitchen with a one hour time limit. Lets see what the Chefs can come up with. I mean that’s what they are competing for, lets see who has the best execution of the Secret Ingredient. But I’m not a television producer and that would probably be boring, so we get Big Green Eggs on the beach and County Fair food competitions. LOL I guess really , what I don’t like is a show that I have enjoyed watching over the years go downhill. But I will keep NIC / ICA on my radar to see how it turns out.
  4. I can not recall from last season of Top Chef Masters, but are they thinning the herd more in these early rounds? I mean 4 out of 6 chefs are going home each week. You would think the producers would want to have some of their big name chefs that they have here, around a little longer. I know I would like to see a elimination process similar to regular Top Chef, maybe send home just the bottom 2 each week.
  5. Well I have a half way dumb question about yeast. Every year I make Pandoro for Christmas and for it, I use SAF gold yeast. But I’am also baking some Pane Siciliano this year too. But I didn’t realize I was out of “normal” instant yeast so I substituted the SAF gold when I started the pate fermentee. So my question is will this be a problem? I do have time to start over.
  6. I have only had lunch there and wasn’t impressed . Basically poor execution, but maybe I just went on a bad day. But a place that did impress me was The Majestic Café also on Hewitt just over the hill.
  7. I had to think about it but it was Nov. 02, when I bought some from Armandino. He told me his supplier was a farm in or near Spanaway I think. But also he didn't always have extra's to sell.
  8. At one time Salumi would sell you raw pork cheeks, but you had to ask. If your still out of luck give them a call. Cheers-
  9. First thank you for your time. I have been a fan for years and have given your books as gifts to many friends and family, saves me from having to bake for them lol. My question is about the pizza thats pictured on the cover of American Pie. looks like we have quail eggs and arugula but what else? Thanks
  10. There is the Everett Oriental Grocery 118 SE Everett Mall Way the phone number is 425-347-6966. Its a small place so I would call ahead. Or just stop off at Uwajimaya http://www.uwajimaya.com/
  11. There is the Australian Meat Pie Co. on SW 152 thats not bad. http://www.australianpieco.com/ edit added the link. Cheers
  12. I too had this problem, so I adjusted the feet. 3 times , and its better but I wasn’t satisfied . So now I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong . And I find it’s the burner pans that are out of whack . So I start tweaking the lips of the burner pans up a little here down a little there. And I ended up getting them all relatively level , at least my eggs don’t take off for the low point now.
  13. I can not believe it. Yesterday I pulled out The Way To Cook for the first time in a year or more. So I could make sure I had the remembered the proper timing to make hard boiled eggs “Julia’s way” Of course they came out perfect . But I’m at such a loss right now, rest in peace.
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