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Posts posted by daniellewiley

  1. Klary, you've been in my thoughts this week!

    So has your sukerbole, which I made this afternoon.


    It's delicious!  My oven may have been a bit too hot (I really need to get an oven thermometer, because I think the dial is just off), but it came out well, if a bit dark on top!  And, man, is it tasty!

    Thank you so much for this recipe...I can't wait to make it for my family for breakfast on Christmas morning.  :biggrin:

    Looks terrific! What kind of sugar did you use, and where did you find it??

    And thank you Susanne for the wonderful guide - that must have taken you forever!!

  2. I'm not much of a Christmas celebrator, but I have a certain fondness for seeing that Christmas ribbon candy in the stores. I don't even necessarily care to eat it--usually it just tastes of sugar and an overly agressive amount of clove extract or something like that--but I just like the way the stuff looks.

    We ALWAYS get a box of this for my (soon to be ex) husband's grandmother at Christmastime. The woman is almost 91. She always has hard candy or salt water taffy in her house, she has never been to the dentist, and yet somehow, she still has all of her teeth. Now, mind you, they look horrid, but they are all there. :rolleyes:

    So, anyway, we contribute to the decay with her beloved ribbon candy every year.

    She also likes those tins of multi-colored candies. Let me find a link: kind of like this

  3. The other night, I made a giant pork tenderloin with the intention of having lots of leftovers for future meals. The next night I made a stir fry with it. I also have five 1/2 pound portions in the freezer for future meals.

    I love having leftover pork tenderloin or chicken for tons of stuff, but best of all is for a taco for lunch or enchiladas. I made quesidillas the other night with leftover smoked brisket. Heaven on a tortilla.

    Yep, I'm definitely planning on going Mexican with the next chunk of leftover pork. Dylan is ALWAYS happy with Mexican food, and, as you can imagine, if the four-year-old ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. :biggrin:

  4. Packed lunches deal with a lot of leftovers! Yesterday's spinach is chopped finely with a scallion and some parsley and becomes spinach omelette...the flesh is picked off the fish bones used for the soup, fried and seasoned into a savory crumble for rice. Etc.

    I try for a minor change rather than the "same again" idea for soup - the kids had fluffy dumplings in their chicken/veg soup last night...now that the dumplings are gone, I'll have some of the soup over a  "crouton" of home-made bread grilled with cheese on it for lunch. Then I'll add pasta and just one tomato, chopped and sauteed, before the boys meet it again tonight. As you see, soup plus starch is a big winter snack item in our house.

    I often send leftovers to school with Dylan. I deal with the "heating up" problem by putting them in a high quality thermos that I've warmed with hot water. It works wonderfully. She goes to school with hot lunch everyday, preferring that to a sandwich.

    The other night, I made a giant pork tenderloin with the intention of having lots of leftovers for future meals. The next night I made a stir fry with it. I also have five 1/2 pound portions in the freezer for future meals.

  5. It was Dylan's night to pick dinner, so we had... Beanies & Weenies!! She cut up some Best's Kosher hot dogs with a grapefruit knife and dumped them into a pot of Bush's vegetarian baked beans. We served these with romaine hearts tossed with homemade lemon dressing and leftover cucumber/red pepper/feta salad from last night.

  6. I did purchase their black and white cookie to sample. I have never had a black and white cookie, so I was excited to try one. I think theirs was made with a mix it was cake like (don't know if that's the right texture or not), it wasn't like any cookies I've ever made.........and it was definately stale.

    Hi Wendy!

    The black and white cookie should definitely be cake-like, but stale is not ever good. :biggrin:

    Ideally, it will have a lemony flavor. I think your best bet is to find a great recipe (I know the NYT published one a few years ago) and make them for yourself. It will be really hard to find a good, fresh version outside of the NY area, and since you are a fabulous baker anyway, you might as well try them on your own!

  7. I was in Seattle recently and, due to a supercomputer convention in town that day, the only remotely affordable hotel was stuck somewhere out in the boondocks in the middle of a strip mall. So... I'm hungry, in the middle of a strip mall and without a car, a situation I'm utterly unfamiliar with coming from Australia where such abominations simply do not exist.

    So anyway, my dining choices were pretty much limited to a couple of quite frankly skeevy greasy spoons and... Outback Steakhouse... keeping in mind that I am from Australia. Oh... My... God... I now tell my friends that I now know what Che Gueverra would feel like if he were still alive today.

    The final kick in the nuts was that the meal ended up costing me MORE than the delightful almond crusted ahi that I had at McCormick & Kuleto's in San Francisco.

    I went out to dinner with someone from Tasmania recently, and he was laughing about the Outback. Apparently, he was visiting some clients in another city in the US, and they somehow determined that the Outback would be the most appropriate place to bring the Australian. His reaction? A combination of horror and amusement.

  8. Dylan, my four-year-old, made the salad last night! She cut up a cucumber, red pepper and a chunk of feta with a grapefruit knife (serrated, but not too sharp, no point), and then helped me toss it with leftover, homemade Greek dressing from the other night (lemon, dill, garlic, salt, dijon, EVOO).

  9. Last night I just HAD to have onion soup... Got home tired and cold. Did not feel much like cooking, but still wanted something warm and comforting. Simple (although not necessarily quick :smile:) onion soup with sweet and red onions, red wine, Dijon mustard, butter, home made croutons and stretchy cheese - this yummy, flavorful, dark concoction, - was just what I needed :smile:.

    Wow, that looks outrageous. I'm at my desk at work, mildly hungover and now craving onion soup. Is it your own recipe?

  10. Can anyone find that amazing mushroom soup recipe that Anthony Bourdain posted? I can't find it. That is one dynamite recipe.

    might this be the Bourdain recipe that we all adore?? :rolleyes:

    And if you really want to ratchet your soup into pretentious (but delicious), drizzle a few tiny drops of truffle oil over the surface just before serving. Why the hell not? Everybody else is doing it.

    Makes 4 servings.

    Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook  2004

    By Anthony Bourdain with José de Meirelles and Philippe Lajauni

    Why the hell not? Everybody else is doing it. Yep, that's Bourdain! :laugh:

    Ohhhhh, that recipe is just divine. I think I need to make some SOON! It was a huge hit last year.

    Any ideas on how to pitch it to the four-year-old? She only eats mushrooms when she doesn't know they are there. I'm thinking I need to call it by it's French name, perhaps??

  11. Congratulations on your new house Wendy. The food looks as great as ever.. but.. is that your new countertop? Or a table? It's beautiful!

    I was wondering the same thing - it's gorgeous!!

  12. yes it does, but it isn't penne carbanara and I think that is what this thread is all about right?  :laugh:  :laugh:

    Are you all using the same Carbonara recipe? Cooking every night just for myself and my daughter, I'd love to join the Carbonara crew. She will eat any type of creamy pasta, and I'm trying to wean her off of the Annie's microwaved variety!!!

  13. We needed a quick dinner tonight, as it was ballet/tap class for my daughter until 5:30.

    This morning, I threw some chicken thighs and legs into the crock pot and doused them with a couple of cups of my homemade BBQ sauce. I meant to cook them on low after an initial shot on high, but forgot to turn them down. It actually worked out quite well, yielding some yummy and vinegary pulled chicken that fell off the bone.

    We accompanied them with cheesy rice and a bowl of cucumbers tossed with Brianna's blush wine vinaigrette and cracked black pepper.

    Not bad for zero effort, and the (almost) four-year-old ate every component.

  14. I was home all day today, and the baby cooperated, so I was able to make my first ever cook-off recipe.

    The other day, I bought a chuck roast in preparation for the chili. This morning, I placed it in the freezer for about 40 minutes and then cut it into 1/2 inch pieces:


    You can also see some fresh tomatoes (peeled, seeded and chopped) on the cutting board. The chopped up chuck was a change for me, as I am usually a ground beef kind of gal (at least for my chili).

    Once chopped, I put the chuck into my beloved :wub: Le Creuset dutch oven with a splash of EVOO:


    I browned the beef for a bit and added some minced onion (of the dehydrated variety - didn't want to wake the baby for a trip to the grocery store), two chopped green peppers, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder and ground ancho. I then tossed in the tomatoes, added about four cups of water and let the whole thing simmer for a few hours. I later added a can of organic tomato sauce, more water, a can of black beans and bag of frozen corn.

    We ate the chili garnished with crushed tortilla chips, avocado, shredded cheese and Greek-style yogurt:


    It was awesome. I froze the leftovers in small ziplocs to reheat for my daughter's lunch. She loves bringing chili in a thermos. I pack her a small tupperware of sour cream or yogurt and another small tupperware with shredded cheese.

  15. Is this menu explosion just happening up here in the northeast US? Or are you seeing it in your burg, too? How do you react to the multipage menu miasma?

    It's happening here in the midwest, too. Here is a link to the restaurant we went to for my birthday last weekend:

    Zingermans' Roadhouse

    My dad came in from NY to celebrate with me, and I actually sent him the menu via snail mail two weeks ahead of time. He went through and highlighted items of interest!!! Yes, he is a bit OCD, but still....

    Oh, and this online menu doesn't include the multi-page cheese list, or the specials list, which usually has about five apps and seven mains.

  16. Tonight I need to make some menu changes because the chicken is still here PLUS now there is extra Mexican beef leftover. So I am saved from making pizza dough. :wink:

    Got any ideas for the chicken? (Remember -we're trying *not* to cook here. :smile: )

    Will check in later.

    how about make your own quesadillas or fajitas?

    do you have tortillas? everyone could just pick a filling (beef or chix) and make up their own dinner.

    Or, if you have lettuce, it could be make your own salad.

  17. Very interesting, yesterday I was making duck soup..  I stopped to talk to my doorman to ask him if he wanted to dinner as I normally do.. I told him I was having duck soup..  He then asked how I was preparing it and after I told him I was using vanilla he scoffed and started to tell me how they cook duck and chicken soup in Poland.. And part of his recipe included mixing the blood with flour and vinegar to thicken the soup..  It was interesting that he complained he couldnt get blood here at most places.. It made me think of this topic..

    Our local Polish joint makes Duck Blood Soup (Czarnina) every Tuesday. I've never tried it, but my father-in-law loves it.

  18. It sounds like you want to be your own personal chef. You'll cook all your food for the week over one to two days and store it in containers for people to eat at will, correct?

    I'd think Abra or some of the other personal chefs on eG might have some good suggestions for you.

    I don't, though this system would work for me as well!

    I'm eager to see the suggestions that are thrown out here.

  19. The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss  (which taught my daughter to read, or so she claimed!)

    Cherries and Cherry Pits by Vera Williams

    Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak  (a classic I still love!)

    Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs  by Judi Barrett

    Oh, I loved Chicken Soup with Rice as a kid! I had forgotten about it! Wasn't there a song based on this book? (Yep - just Googled it. Carole King wrote the music.)

    I'll need to get a copy of the book for Dylie.

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