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  1. I joined in 2004. I had been reading for a few years before joining. I still read more than I post.
  2. In Louisiana and on the east coast I preferred Blue Plate mayonnaise. Ive heen in AZ for foour years and don't know if the receipe has changed like most other things.
  3. Tried the newly reopened Silver Dragon on Saturday. Pretty good food. They have Hong Kong stlye food on two different menus. One for American and one for Chinese tastes. Two America couples and lots of Chinese families/couples. My wife liked her food a lot as did I. We'll be trying them again.
  4. A36 is a low carbon steel used for structural shapes. I guess it would depend on the stainless grade's heat retention
  5. This is a set I have. It goes along with a few other custom knives and a bunch of Victorinox knives. http://www.bgoodeknives.com/
  6. Depending on the adopted code there is an exception IF the kitchen HVAC system is designed to handle the outside air temperature.
  7. The last bout of intestinal stuff I had the Dr. asked if I had eaten rice in a restaurant. She said it's the number one source of food poisoning.
  8. Until two years ago we did without a microwave since 1996.
  9. Tried the noodle shop a week ago. Not bad but... The wife did not like her chicken and noodles. I had beef and noodles. The chicken and beef both had a weird-ish soft texture. I'd give it another try as the flavors were decent. The crowd was three anglos and the rest orential. Watching the noodles being made was interesting.
  10. Was at little miss yesterday. Best BBQ I've had in years. Great Texas-ish style brisket. The sample of turkey was great. Going back this weekend to try their shortribs.
  11. Growing up in South Louisiana the smells of childhood are rich and varied, strong coffee, file in gumbo, frying anything, fresh seafood, saltwater, and spices. Having a father from northern Louisiana I have memories of pot licker and greens, biscuits and gravy. and fresh vegetables. Others are coffee mixed with cigarette smoke, stale beer from the local bar's trash, fresh bread from the bakery next door to our unair-conditioned school (at about two in the afternoon just as we were becoming bored to tears), the restaurants getting ready for customers, 'dressed' roast beef po-boys, the smell at the butchers as he made fresh sausage, and too many others to list. But the strongest food smell I remember is the spicy boiled shrimp laid out on wooden platforms to dry in the sun, the canvas that covered them for protection at night, and the smell of the shells as they were tumbled off in what looked like huge dryers. Then the shrimp packaged six or eight in little cellophane bags stapled too a card backing ready for sale.
  12. I can appreciate the even dice and the ascetics of them in the dish. But the size of the dice has little in cooking evenly. If the dice lays flat in the pan, ( _ _ _ ) instead of vertical ( I I I ) the thickness will be almost the same because of the nature of the onion. There may be minor differences in cooking time but not enough to matter in most cooking.
  13. pyrguy

    Packed Lunches

    I feel the same way about work lunches. Leftovers from supper the night before, sometimes good, sometimes not so much. Cold sandwich??? Not every day. I'll be watching for ideas.
  14. So would my wife. RA can be a b***h.
  15. The wife ha RA so I do most of the cooking. She does use the OXO stuff and the Victorinox Fibrox line of knives. Some are pairing/steak type knives with the small handles. Others are like this one (CLICK) with the larger handles that seem to work on some days.
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