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    memphis tn

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  1. i think it is one of the top wonders of baking -- practice helps but just making a few batches in a row does it -- so. much. fun. congratulations, welcome to the 'club'
  2. jaymes, i didn't realize you could freeze them like that -- i just made a ton of lemon juice with mine -- now adding it to my tea, etc.
  3. it's turned/turning a beautiful color -- initially i rubbed some sugar in the zest to release the oils which inadvertently released more of the green dye in there too -- but the dye has been overcome by the bit of yellow food color and the lemons -- it's so pretty -- and i got some pretty glass containers -- looking forward to the simple syrup stage --
  4. wow this thread is 10 years old-- so i am making my first batch and i was careful to have un-dyed lemons but my lime was dyed green -- dang it -- i mean who could resist katie's secret ingredient right -- so i debated doing it over -- of course i'm making a large batch to give as presents for christmas -- but i wound up adding about a dozen drops of lemon yellow airbrush color and it is definitely yellow now-- has a slightly green cast but once it gets thinned out with the other spirits and simple syrup should be ok -- at least it looks appetizing now -- so i hope the taste will not be affected -- what do you think?
  5. are there no trouble shooting ideas for re-doing this on the pectin packaging?
  6. i did not see a similar thick band around the knish dough that is part of the bernard clayton/regina hollander process--that's all i know--i've never been able to rework it--it's rubbery, terminally uneven and the stretch/thrill is gone. your knishes on the other hand look great though! I almost wish I hadn't looked at the pictures... now I'm wanting to make strudel again. maybe for the holidays coming up? it freezes perfectly.
  7. it would never work as phyllo dough again--it's an uneven texture and gets very thick --i'm not famiiar with knishes -- but this is not like cookie dough or pie dough where scraps can be re-worked as itself--it's not kneadable after it rests--it's rubbery. do you mean re-worked as knish dough? wow i checked some recipes and there's a wide range of different types of knish dough--some with oil, salt & water and another with sour cream, cream cheese & butter, another with baking powder and mashed potatoes in the pastry-- maybe it could be used for knishes. i'm a knish knewbie though i discard it because bernard clayton said regina hollander did in mr. c's "Complete Book of Pastry" -- it's how i learned. mrs. h. who was born before the turn of the previous century made this for her wedding 57 years before she made it for bernard c. which i think is so cool. wedding 'cake'
  8. http://www.flickr.com/photos/105635633@N02/sets/72157636632674896 if you can get to that --there are the pictures-- if i knew how to download here i would--but this should work also--those picture were taken the first time i had made it in a long time (15-20 years?) so the table was too big to wrap the dough around the edge so it could have been bigger but.. you get the idea anyhow--logistics is half the battle-- it's the most baking fun ever srsly--making strudel edited for clarity and because i always think of something else to add
  9. update-- well--i did not upload the photos to egullet and 'webshots' went kaput --have to go dig up an old computer here's the link fwiw http://forums.egullet.org/topic/96068-pictorial-on-magic-dough/?hl=%2Bstrudel#entry1314827 tbc
  10. it is ridiculously amazing--and you have a substantial piece of dough leftover that you discard--must go find photos...
  11. I would love to see photos of this process. oh wow--your wish is my command i have photos from several years ago--they're probably already on here somewhere--i will do some digging through old computers and old posts and see what i can find-- Me too. I've done it before (years ago) with the recipe from Bernard Clayton's The Complete Book of Pastry, Sweet and Savory with good success but recipes with a lineage always interest me. Strudel dough is definitely an exercise in patience but it's so cool watching that little ball of dough stretch to bigger than the work table and, after you trim the thick edges off, the ball of dough the trimmings make looks almost as big as the one you started with. me too me too! bernard clayton is the man for dehr schsstrrooodle dough! it's like magic! i can't think of anything in baking that is as astonishing where the thrill is never gone. i'll try to find my pictures...
  12. Hi, TDoodle Lots of different ways to bake your cheesecakes. For shorter cakes I use a real high temp and get it done--for extra deep cheesecakes I bake cooler and longer. I just use a quick read thermometer to determine doneness. I'm with Celeste and Scott--preparing an uncracked perfect topped cheesecake has never been a goal of mine--we're just going to cut into them anyway. My particular observation is that it seems you might be close to holding them too long at the wrong temp--they only get four accumulated hours out of safe temperature including purchase and delivery time frames, if you soften the cheese initially at room temp before mixing subtract that from the four hours--subtract mixing time and the fluctuating diminishing oven temps you are describing would exacerbate the hazard and subtract the time to serve & sit out. If this was a post from a home cook I probably would not respond. It sounds like you are serving to the public--just a friendly heads up. To me home cooks have the luxury of all that leaving it in the oven--but i just wanted to gently mention that to you. i do wedding cakes so i have to really watch that--they need time sit out and be pretty--so my regimen includes sieving the batter instead of letting it set out at room temp very much --cooling by a very clean fan hitting from the bottom of the pan-- quick assemby/decorating and last minute delivery time. I also err on the side of well done for clients. I know you agree that safety trumps all. I was just giving a friendly heads up.
  13. Is it any good you ask...as a door stop...but then again it might burst.
  14. Would that be a scashooweroo?
  15. HC--you just can't bet against the nostalgiac fave!! Although the word 'cashew' could be added to a list such as yours...
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