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Hi everyone! Been seeing a lot of Food Network chefs double-dipping their chicken (take out buttermilk-soaked or brined chicken, let the excess drip off, dip into seasoned flour, into seasoned buttermilk, final coating of flour, let set and deep fry). I've always been a single dipper, and think my fried chicken is decent (I shallow fry in cast iron). However, just thought I'd ask: -Does double dipping make a tastier crust? -Is deep frying necessary for double-dipped crust to set properly? -Do you think the double dipping process is worth it? Looking over the Fried Chicken Cook-off thread, it doesn't seem like the majority double-dips...but I'm willing to try it in pursuit of fabulous fried chicken! Let me know what you think.....my chicken is nicely soaking in a buttermilk brine as we speak!
I didn't mean to roll my eyes- I was looking towards heaven (my clasped hands are out of view ) No exact recipe needed- general method will suffice. Promise I won't say it was your recipe if I change it in a million ways. Hope the party goes well- potato chips sound mighty tasty....
A great casual party idea is a baked potato party. Potatoes stay warm in the oven for people coming and going. Toppings can include: -Homemade chili (which people can eat in larger quantity) -sour cream -tortilla chips -sliced olives -cheese (blue, parmesan, neuchatel and cheddar) -capers -turkey bacon crumbles -chopped chicken or steak -french fried onions -caramelized onion -roasted garlic -roasted red pepper -scallion -steamed broccoli -mustard -aioli -fresh chopped herbs etc.... Leftover baked potatoes can make great hash browns the next day too! If your au gratin potato recipe isn't on Recipe Gullet, would you mind sharing? Please?
I love making avocado and shrimp salad, especially when I have only a few shrimp leftover. Just combine diced cold poached shrimp, diced avocado, lemon or lime juice, lemon ir lime zest, minced garlic, little chopped cilantro and a squirt of Sriachra sauce (I LOVE Sriachra with avocado). Salt and pepper to taste. I guess it's pretty much guacamole with shrimp in....but yum.
Ah- butter! My usual chicken-roasting method is air-drying for 24-48 hrs with herb rub (Zuni-inspired), but chicken roasting is one of my favorite cooking experiments! Just one question before I go forth in uncharted chicken territory- salted or unsalted?
Thanks for the advice about roasting in the right size pan, Ann T. I'll have to give that a tip a try the next time I do a high-heat roast. My smoke alarm is super-sensitive..... Glad this thread came up- reminds me that there's a chicken in my freezer that could use some cookin'. Hope it turns out as well as Megan's- that is one tasty-looking roasted chicken!
Great save for the tough bird! Your end result sounds delicious. When I had posted before about "resting" the meat, in addition to getting the chill off the bird before cooking, I would suggest letting it sit for 10-15 minutes after cooking before cutting into it. The carryover cooking can take a whole chicken from being underdone to being perfectly done (since it's a relatively large size, it will rise a few more degrees in temperature before cooling down, especially when it's cooked at a high temperature) Plus,the juice has an opportunity redistribute back in to the flesh with resting instead of running onto the plate (which can leave your chicken meat quite dry). In the case of this chicken, even if the breast cooked all the way through, it might not have worked because it seemed better suited for stewing. By the way, for the 500 degree high-heat roasting, please make sure that your oven is REALLY clean and that regardless, you turn off your smoke alarm or cover it with a shower cap. It produces a ton of smoke and a messy oven, but sometimes a good mess is worth a good meal
Was the chicken rested before you cut into it?
My eggplant is no longer sad. For the first time ever, I made hunkar begendi. Oh my.....this is definitely comfort food for me. I was licking the bowl like it was cake batter! Didn't even have any cheese to add, and it was lush and creamy, with the richness cut just enough by the lemon juice. Smithy, I too was fascinated by the the melting of the eggplant- I couldn't picture it at first, but that really is the best description! Glad I have a new go-to side dish for rough day, and very excited to try out all the delicious-sounding recipes posted here! Thank you so much everyone!
Wow- thanks everyone! Your responses were just what I needed to jog my brain freeze! Might just be having leftover moussaka tonight (rough day), but I'll rummage around to see what I have in the cabinets- I might combine several ideas.... Pigeonpie, I'm so glad you suggested a use for pomegranate syrup! It's one of those condiments that sits unused in my fridge much more than it should And Mizducky, that website looks fascinating (such dedication to the eggplant!) Much appreciation to everyone- will probably report back in a few days....- Sony
Hi all, My favorite jar of tahini has finally gone rancid. Fortunately I figured that out before dolloping it into the other ingredients for a batch of baba ganoush! Anyway, I won't be able to pick up another jar of tahini until the weekend and would like to create something delicious with this gorgeous, grilled-to-unctuousness eggplant (2 large halves total). What would you do with it? Thanks for any ideas you might have!
I have an electric stove, so I have a greater range in the ditance from which I can space the rack from the coil. My favorite uses for the broil function are: -crisping flour tortillas without oil (just leave on one side till brown and flip to do the same on the other side- sometimes it'll get all bubbled, which I just love ) -reheating roast chicken, skin side up, so the skin re-crisps. So long as it's far enough away from the element, it can heat all the way through before the skin incinerates-probably about a good six inches (Sometimes the leftover chicken seems even tastier to me because I can really get the skin good and crunchy all the way around!) -when I didn't have a toaster (read: no counter space) the broiler because a makeshift toaster (not quite "set it and forget it", but it worked quite well )
Maybe som ethnic variations can help take care of some of those hard-boiled eggs....Indian curry? Filipino pancit? Your casserole sounds tasty- might throw in something green, like some peas, asparagus, spinach.....
As a spice addict, I pop my popcorn in a pot with olive oil/butter (or Smart Balance) and season as soon as its popped with powdered garlic, salt, and any of the following: -togarashi -curry powder -Tabasco -Siracha Sometimes all if I feel particularly daring
Joe's Noodle House in Rockville, MD is my all-time favorite Chinese place. Though I've moved from the area, I have a saved menu that I drool over it from time to time (and review it every time I know I'll be back in the area)! Check out the menu- no affiliation, just a regular when I was in town. One caveat is that they do tend to "Americanize" dishes unless you can convince them that you want the real deal. The first time I went, the dishes tasted quite sweet and I mentioned this when they asked how everything was. Thereafter, dishes that I requested as "spicy" were and nothing was inappropriately sweet. Joe's Noodle House
At my local store, which has a 100% refund policy for any mis-scanned item, I've usually had the difference between the sale and regular price returned to me rather than 100% of the item's price. I don't make a big deal out of it because I was intending to pay the sale price..... I just consider it a pleasant surprise when they actually follow their policy
I personally haven't tried this, but some people drying their poultry with a hair dryer to get rid of some surface moisture before popping it in the oven. Chowhound Home Cooking Thread (you'll probably find some of the other info in this thread useful, but the hair dryer suggestion is my favorite ) Usually, I just air-dry for a day or 2 in the fridge to get rid of surface moisture before roasting high temp to start, low-temp to finish for crispy skin....but haven't done so with a brined bird.
Oh, I like the damp paper towel idea under the board idea- never heard it! Plus, now I'll have a multi-tasker ready to wipe up the counter once I'm finished with all the chopping. The aluminum serving tray prep space was VERY handy this Thanksgiving- not the most sophisiticated mise en place, but I loved having huge amounts of veggies and herbs chopped up and waiting for me! I don't own any teeny bowls anyway Some of my favorite tips/tricks: -cutting soft cheeses and cheesecake with (unflavored) dental floss -using bread heels to clear out odors from my spice grinder -like with wine, freezing small amounts of concentrated broth in ice-cube trays for quick sauce enrichment (or gravy for one ) -stashing a paper towel or two in an opened bag o' salad to wick away excess moisture (also squeeze out as much air as I can to keep it fresher longer.)
As a student working towards an RD, I just came back from working at a diabetes camp where the majority of the children are Type 1 diabetics. I am so glad that you have found about about your daugther's condition before any long-term side effects of extended hyperglycemia set in! (which unfortunately was the case for some of the children I saw this summer...) As others mentioned before, making this a part of her life and not her entire life is a great idea. It sounds like you're working to understand her needs both medically and emotionally! Here is some feedback that I have based on what campers and their veteran parents told me and what I found for myself during the internship. Of course, Wendy, your family and your doctor will know the best about medical decisions given that you know the best about your own situation and capabilities....so please just consider what's below: 1. Most children initally go on insulin shots before the pump for at least 6 months. This is usually to establish a consistent pattern of blood glucose management. Though the pump will probably allow for more flexbility in the future, hang in there with management via basline insulin and shot boluses. 2. Concerning lows: Glad you have already seen how physical activity can affect glucose management! Hard candy is convenient to keep around, but difficult to administer if swallowing difficulty comes with the hypoglycemic episode. Plus, it usually takes about 5 hard candies to treat a hypoglycemic episode. Not bad to keep on hand, but juice box or glucose tabs may be better options if available. Also, at the camp we usually gave crackers after re-checking blood sugar 10 minutes later to prevent a rebound low (juice, etc can shoot up blood sugar, but it can dip again on the lower side without the crackers) Though expensive, glucose gel may be a good option to keep on hand. If (heaven forbid) Wendy gets to a point where she can't swallow due to hypoglycemia, the gel can be placed in her cheek pocket so that it can be absorbed without her actually swallowing. Not sure if this was recommended before, but checking FSBS (finger stick blood sugar) in the middle of the night is a good idea since this is typically the longest time going without food. If you find her having lots of hypoglycemia overnight, a bedtime snack that combines carbs with protein and/or fiber will help carbs to release in a more regulated way during the night. Examples? Fruit with yogurt or cottage cheese, sandwich with meat or peanut butter on whole-grain bread, oatmeal or whole-grain cold cereal with milk, hard-boiled egg with whole-grain toast. 4. Concerning highs: I'm more in the moderation camp. Having a meal plan initially is good to establish a norm of how Wendy's BS fluxes through the day. However, the flexibility will kick in soon enough. As mentioned before, high BS would probably be a short term nuisance (thirst, having to pee) but is a real danger if it lasts for extended periods of time. The other danger is that an attitude of invincibility may set in because the "acute" effects of hyperglycemia are not as severe as those of hypoglycemia. All that said, I would hate for a child to miss out on birthday cake, ice cream with freinds, etc because of a manageable condition. The key is to make sure it's managed, that's all. 5. Sugar free products are great, but please remember that they may still contain carbs. After all, sugar-free cake is still made with flour. Sugar free pudding is still made with milk. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious . It's just that after working in a hospital with long-term diabetics, I was surprised by how many patients thought "sugar free" translated to "free" foods. It is amazing how much you all will know in a short period of time. Label-reading skills for grams of carbs will become a norm (and has become the norm for so many, even non-diabetics!) And of course you know your daughter much better than I do, but chances are she will show the same resiliency that I saw in so many other children at camp. I was so impressed and humbled by the knowledge and wise perspectives of the children and their parents. I see that same spirit in your posts, and I wish you the best.
1 bag of mussels left at the seafood counter- wanted to see if they were still fresh, so I asked the man if he could hand them over (in another plastic bag, of course) so I could examine them. Tapped on the shells to see if they would close. Look on Seafood Man's face was priceless. I said that I was just checking to see if they're still alive, and he replied, 'Oh- is that how you do it? I've never seen that before!' Hoping he was just subbing in from another department.....
Everyone's suggestions sound great! Here are some ideas that popped into my head: Starter: Julia Child's potato leek soup. Desn't require broth, only leeks, potatoes, water, salt. You'll need to buy some fresh herbs (i.e. parsely or thyme) and butter, but they can be used in other parts of the dinner. This soup can be served warm or chilled. Finely diced carrot might be a colorful addition to this dish. Main dish: Warm lentil and couscous salad topped with a poached or fried egg. Toss the cooked, still warm lentils and couscous in a lemon juice/olive oil vinaigrette, add in sauteed onions, diced carrots, lemon zest, and fresh herbs used in the soup. A small grating of parmigiano might go well on top. This dish would, of course, require more eggs. A nice, simple side of sauteed dark greens or broccoli might fit in well. For dessert: I echo others' ideas in suggesting poached fruit with a lemon custard sauce. Would require the purchase of dairy, additonal fruit, perhaps fresh mint to go on top, but would also use eggs that you had purchased for the main dish. If fruit is too expensive or doesn't look good, I think the rice pudding or baked custard would be nice with the addition of a little grated lemon zest. The dishes for this menu might run too light for your tastes, in which case the stews and heartier dishes might suit your guests better. Good luck entertaining!
I grew up eating them in thin slices sprinkled with lime juice, salt and cayenne pepper. Gosh, haven't had that in a while- you've inspired a craving Also, I've only had green papaya salad once, but I bet that green mango would sub in well for the papaya.
I love everyone's suggestions so far! Hope I'm not repeating anything here... Sounds like you have the makings for a pesto-like sauce (basil, parmesan- not sure if you have olive oil or any nuts, but I often make this w/o nuts) Adding chicken to pesto pasta makes a filling dish.... You could also go Argentinian and make some chimichurri sauce w/ the parsley, lemon juice, garlic, s&p, touch of sugar to balance...goes great on chicken, tilapia, beef, or roasted vegetables. Sometimes I just eat it plain on rice Another quick meal are tortilla pizzas. Broil 1 side, flip, top w/ fresh tomato or tomato sauce, cheese, run under the broiler, and finsh w/ fresh herbs after removed from oven. If you have eggs, you can make a great frittata or herbed scrambled eggs. Or, a soft-yolk egg is divine over pasta w/ fresh parmesan, herbs, and a little minced garlic sauteed in olive oil. The yolk makes a nice sauce for the noodles. The dark-meat chicken would marinate nicely in thyme, citrus juice, s&p, roasted over potatoes, turnips, and onions. Nice accompaniment would be rice pilaf (w/ the little peas, of course!) If you have sesame oil, that would combine nicely w/ soy sauce, brown sugar/honey, ginger, sherry, scallion, dried chili flakes and garlic for the round steak before broiling or a quick pan-fry. If you have chickpeas, you can make a curried chickpea and potato dish (chatputi, chana masala, etc.) Fresh ginger and onion sauteed in veggie oil till soft, then add corriander, cumin, cayenne, bay leaf, salt, and a smidge or turmeric. Cook a little more in the oil till a fragrant paste forms, then throw in cubed potatoes, pre-cooked chickpeas, and enough water so it doesn't burn. Cook till potatoes are soft (you can mash some of the potatoes to create a thicker stew texture). Eat as is or topped w/ diced fresh tomato and chopped hard-boiled egg. Also a nice simple potato soup (picked it up from a Julia Child cookbook)- just onion sauteed in butter until soft w/ a bay leaf- then, add water, diced potato, and plenty of salt and pepper. Cook until potatoes are done, mashing some if you want to thicken the soup. Finish w/ thyme (I often add some dried in the beginning if I don't have fresh.) Sounds like you have some tasty options. Good luck!