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    South Florida
  1. About Jag..
  2. . . . and the beans were boiled poetry . . . Awesome!
  3. I don't know how I missed this thread. I've been addicted to Rancho Gordo's beans for several years now, especially the Good Mother Stollard beans. I just received my order for eight pounds, in fact. I love them best with just onion, garlic and a bay leaf, but they work well with just about any bean recipe. Sometimes I soak a couple of ancho chile peppers, puree them and stir them in when the beans are just about done. Yum, especially with a squeeze of fresh lime. But shhhh, don't tell anybody, they ran out of my favorite bean last year. Thanks, Steve, your beans are the best.
  4. whatsup1

    Indoor Smoking

    Has anyone smoked beans?
  5. Thanks for all your replies. I have tried cutting the sugar in half. As I said, the cake is dry. Baking it for less time has merely yielded me an underbaked cake. I am thinking that the amounts for other ingredients need to be adjusted, as I have heard that cakes require somewhat precise formulations. I haven't hit on anything that works as well as the texture of the cake as written.
  6. I have a cake recipe that calls for these ingredients. I would like to make it less sweet but when I just use less sugar, it comes out very dry. Can someone help me make it less sweet but retain its moisture? 2 1/4 cups flour 3 cups sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons almond extract 1 cup oil 1 cup buttermilk 4 eggs, beaten
  7. South East Cutlery in Ft. Lauderdale sharpens many southeast Florida restaurant knives. I don't think they have a website, but their phone number is 1-800-842-4707.
  8. Great blog, and I love your website.
  9. I am at a loss to see where this comes from. According to Merriam Webster, a chef is the head of the kitchen; a skilled cook who manages a kitchen. Can you point me to some authority to support what qualifications you believe are necessary to call yourself a chef?
  10. I am glad to see you blogging again, Abra. As always, I am awe of your food. Peg
  11. On my counter: Kitchenaid stand mixer Cuisinart food processor VitaMix blender Toaster Oven Coffee Grinder Coffee maker In the cupboards: George Foreman grill Immersion blender Electric teakettle Crockpot
  12. Perhaps those expectations have developed due to the foodblog guidelines and rules of the road. That is not to say that I am not enjoying the blog, as hard to understand as it may be.
  13. Here are some recommendations I made back in March for Islamorada restaurants, and I would still make the same suggestions. Enjoy your stay down in my neck of the woods.
  14. Great blog, a most entertaining read. I wish I was coming to your houses for dinner. As for the mystery basket, I vote with varmint and snow angel. Both Sam and Marlene have said several times that they are not inclined toward vegetarian, nor are their families. Yet readers persist. Edited to add that I also agree with ruthcooks, who was posting as I typed.
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