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Everything posted by FireWire

  1. I just finish dinner, I sit down, read this, I will not be making my way back to the kitchen as I am hungry again
  2. FireWire

    Dinner! 2004

    Beef Stir Fry Beef, Broccoli, red peppers, a few other Chinese vegetables which I am unsure how to spell, in oyster sauce. Something done in a bit of a hurry, but tastes great. (Oh and that was served on basmati rice)
  3. Because I attend Univeristy, I can only really afford to carry one cook book around with me. I take "How to Cook Everything" with me back and forth across the country.
  4. Wow, those butter squres and cup cakes look great :)
  5. FireWire

    Pop or Soda

    It is pop to me, when I was in San Fran, I asked what kinds of pop they had in a restraunt, the waiter gave me the funniest look ever. http://www.popvssoda.com/ gives you a sence of what its called in diffrent parts of the US://http://www.popvssoda.com/ gives yo...parts of the US
  6. Welcome Firewire! Where in Canada are you from? For the next 5 years I actually have 2 homes. I am currently in Calgary Alberta, which is where I call my "home" with family currently doing a work term with Voodoo Computers. The other half of the time I am attending the University of Waterloo in Ontario, taking Computer Engineering. At home = Great food, and access to a kitchen to cook for myself School = School food *barf* with no ability to cook something decent for myself, granted I have an uncle in Toronto, who i can visit on the odd weekend for some VERY good food :) BTW, LOVE your kitchen.
  7. It is a very Westernized chinese dish. I will try to find a recipy.
  8. I dont go out when I am looking for a good steak. I am a resident of Calgary Alberta, and a huge supporter of the Canadian Beef industry. The reason I dont go out to have a good steak is because I can cook for myself equal to, if not better then most steak places. I personally love to get an extra thick AAA Alberta Beef tenderloin or rib eye, oil, salt and pepper, and then grill or broil it until its rare/medium rare. I just love the flavor of grain feed Alberta beef, I am currently home on a work term, but when I was in Waterloo @ school last semester, I tried some Ontario beef, done up the same way so I could taste the meat itself, since Ontario beef is supposedly corn fed, there was a different taste to the steak, I prefer Alberta Beef, but Ontario beef could grow on me. I really dont think you can have a good steak any other way, just a little salt and pepper. *edit* Thanks for pointing out the typo jayhay,
  9. I have been to Tafino 3 or 4 times, last time was probably 3 or 4 years ago when I went sea kayaking with my Venturer Company around Vargas for a week. That BBQ salmon is really good, this is a place I would love to visit during the winter to watch storms, it just feels like a great place to curl up by the fire, and watch the icy furry of a storm outside. It has been a few years since I have been in Tafino, but I am surprised no one has mentioned the Crab Bar, any comments on a yes/no for this place?
  10. I would not exactly call this Calgary Alberta's Signature Dish, but more as an intresting fact, "Ginger Beef" apparently origonated from Calgary Alberta. I would say Calgary's Dish would be.. Prime Rib Roast, But I am impartial to a tenderloin, done with just salt and pepper, grilled or broiled rare/medium-rare :)
  11. Wow, thank you for this, Im new to the egullet community, granted, not new to forums as I moderate my companies forums. A fellow Canadian I see :) I have really enjoyed your blog thus far, and look forward to the rest of it. -FireWire (Already thinking about what to have for breakfast)
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