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  1. gingerly

    Steven Shaw

    Another long absent member here. I'd just like to express my gratitude to Steven Shaw for his part in creating this world of exchanges that I have enjoyed enormously. My condolences to his family and friends.
  2. wonderful pictures and account, docsconz. the ‘mangosteen’ used in fish curries is gamboge, locally known as kudampuli.garcinia family but not mangosteen. kokum is another relative. also, upthread , i believe the coriander seed going in to the caggage is hulled urad it’s more commonly seen in the hulled , split version. adds a wonderful nutty element. for superb vegetarian recipes from the region, you don’t need to look much further than Peppertrail's cookbook!
  3. i think they might be kantola.more about.
  4. awww,it's a girl look at those tiny little fingers.
  5. met him on a monday and my heart stood still, da durian run run,da durian run.. no,really-some of my best friends are durians.
  6. mm..okra..aka 'ladies fingers'-we'll expect some tips on new nail varnish trends too Monica reading and enjoying
  7. those are the ones!i think they're minianture Ataulfos-very nice too. (think i'll stick with 'champagne..')
  8. Yetty? umm..kinda small-but tasty!
  9. yes,there are recipes in the link.
  10. if you have a samovar,you'll be off to a good start.kehwa/kahwa. the pink colour comes from the addition of a little baking soda.
  11. gingerly

    Eating SWAN

    from 'food of the western world'- . the 'owned by her majesty' seems to be somwhat fuzzy.apologies if this has been posted before
  12. you're welcome!here's a recipe and a possible online source http://sadaf.com/store/product108.html my experience is limited to periodic dabbling, but that treatment sounds correct. the barberries i've bought in persian stores seem much darker-may just be the stock.delicious little things anyway!that is a lovely photograph. Hector,i believe sumac is rhus coriaria and barberries as grown in iran would likely be Berberis vulgaris var. asperma
  13. those look like barberries-zereshk in persian.
  14. my 2 bits- i suspect it's more likely iron in the clay body.
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