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Everything posted by sunkissedcandy

  1. I love baking but everyone around me is dieting, and no one cares about baking or cooking for that matter. I have the bread bible where are you going to start?
  2. Woman on Top with Penelope Cruz and if you want something more quirky Simply Irresistible with Sean Patrick Flannery and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Both good but the Cruz movie is better.
  3. My grandmother as well as some aunties from Old Agliers taught me allot about Creole cooking. Until I could prove I was a decent student they all talked to me as if I was mentally imbalanced. You know pointing at the ingrediants and saying thier names slowly always in careful English. Now they talk about recipes in rapid fire Creole that is so infused with slang I almost wish for those slower days when they were like Ms. Lucy. lol
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