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Posts posted by winesonoma

  1. Put in more outlets than you think you will ever need, Phone and speaker wire for the stereo. Design for ten years from now. It's cheep when all the walls are open. Cover your walls between your upper and lower cabinets with Durable and washable things. Plastic laminate is cheap if put up before the Cabinets and cleans nicely. Feel free to contact me with questions, I'm from NY and have no desire to go back.  :laugh:

    Speaker wire! How big do you think my apartment is? The living room is right next to the kitchen. You sure you're from NY?

    Now plastic laminate. How does that look? It doesn't sound real nice. I was thinking possibly of tile.

    Tile has grout lines=grunge lines. Plastic laminate is endless in what you can get. Go to a countertop shop or on line not Home Depot. Granite counters with a matching or close plastic laminate wall looks great. Unless you go for Granite wall covering to.

  2. First off; Do you own this or are you upgrading for the landlord? My SO / Girlfriend bought one of these and I love it. http://www.kitchenaid.com/cgi-bin/ncommerc...me=Gas%20Ranges Also one of those 2 upper-door pull out bottom freezers from Sears. Good luck and as a contractor please don't change things halfway through. Cause it's gonna cost ya big time. Upgrade the electrics or you'll be sorry. Lights ,switches and plugs more than you thought and in 2 years you'll be glad you did. It always costs more later. (The contractors motto). Good luck. :biggrin:

    We own the apartment. Funny...that's exactly the range we're looking at right now. As for changing things halfway, that's why I'm here. I don't know enough and want to try to make sure I have my bases covered.

    What do you mean by upgrade the electrics? All the wiring? Just the outlets, switches?

    Put in more outlets than you think you will ever need, Phone and speaker wire for the stereo. Design for ten years from now. It's cheep when all the walls are open. Cover your walls between your upper and lower cabinets with Durable and washable things. Plastic laminate is cheap if put up before the Cabinets and cleans nicely. Feel free to contact me with questions, I'm from NY and have no desire to go back. :laugh:

  3. First off; Do you own this or are you upgrading for the landlord? My SO / Girlfriend bought one of these and I love it. http://www.kitchenaid.com/cgi-bin/ncommerc...me=Gas%20Ranges Also one of those 2 upper-door pull out bottom freezers from Sears. Good luck and as a contractor please don't change things halfway through. Cause it's gonna cost ya big time. Upgrade the electrics or you'll be sorry. Lights ,switches and plugs more than you thought and in 2 years you'll be glad you did. It always costs more later. (The contractors motto). Good luck. :biggrin:

  4. The next day, my wife and I take a drive out to Napili around lunchtime. We enter the dining room, and ask for this fellow. Someone goes and gets him, and when he comes out, I introduce myself and hand him the note. A big smile comes over his face, and he has us sit at the bar. Plate after plate of appetizers come out, along with a couple of rounds of drinks. When we get ready to leave, we find everything had been comp'd. The whole afternoon was on this manager. Then he tells us, "you guys have to come out for dinner tomorrow night. I'm making reservations for you." So he does, and the following night we arrive for dinner. He recommends wines, and apps, and all sorts of things. We're thinking the whole thing is going to be on the arm again, so we're just going along. This place was more than we could afford at the time, but who were we to question our benefactor?

    When the check came.........you guessed it. Our new friend was nowhere to be found. It was probably the biggest check I'd ever seen at that point in my life. Thank God for my Visa card. It all seems pretty funny now, but we weren't laughing then.

    What was the comp'd spread and drinks worth the afternoon before? See if that was reasonable for the whole package. :raz:

  5. For $27 crab cakes I'll wear what ever the Hell I feel like. They had better be the best you ever had. This from the land of overpriced food and housing in Sonoma Ca. :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

    well, they WERE two large crabcakes made of huge lumps of crabmeat with nothing that i could actually see holding them together.'

    i mean, not that that justifies it, really. but it was a ton of solid crab.

    and i was dressed appropriately, wearing a dress shirt untucked with nice pants. the new york times informed me that i am the height of fashion just two weeks ago with this look.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. :biggrin: Sonoma is clean t shirt ,pressed jeans and shined boots. and that's for weddings. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

  6. Indirect fire has the coals on the sides under the handles. Just wait till you do a turkey or a fresh leg of pork in a Weber. That's living. If you eat pork (Sorry). :biggrin:

  7. i was once comped a fancy dessert for no reason at a place i'd never visited before. the smiling owner-chef emerged from the kitchen and deposited it on the table. we had no idea why. then, just as i was about to tuck in the manager scurried over and took it away. apparently it was someone else's anniversary and the chef/owner had brought the comped dessert those regulars were getting to the wrong table. we did get a whole bunch of free apologies after that. but no dessert. now, that's classy.

    Should have stuck yer spoon in it.

  8. Hmmm, while I was growing up living with my parents my mom cooked most mundane weekday meals (which often was just hamburger helper or other frozen stuff made unfrozen) and my dad would do the cooking when it came to big things and his specialities: chili, baked beans, collard greens, thanksgiving dinner, pot roasts, sunday breakfast, etc.

    Each had their own specialties which sometimes came up, but my dad is a master at things that take forever to cook, and can be completed in one pot. So, naturally I became interested in what he made, and can mock up versions of most of those dishes. Incidentally both of my parents actively taught my sisters to cook, while I sort of was just allowed to watch and figure things out, so they learned the more mundane things like how to measure and how important mise is and all that good stuff ;) I just watched and improvised.

    Now, I cook virtually all of my own meals and thanks to egullet am figuring out some of the instruction I missed out on. Perhaps it is just because I am only 23 but no girl I have ever dated has had any vague idea about how to cook much of anything past making frozen things unfrozen. I would gladly cook for someone I was dating, in fact, I enjoy it, and I like to get the feedback on how things are as I typically am the only one who eats what I make...

    Ah Youth!!! :biggrin:

  9. If I did not cook my SO would leave me. My ex wife said it was the only thing that I did right in our marriage. Hell sometimes I even do the dishes. And I always do the dinner shopping so I always get what I want. Suggestions are always appreciated. She has to work and at the present time i don't.

  10. ah life is good...

    .now, how long is it going to take for these coals to burn themselves out?

    Close the top and bottom vents and save what's left for next time.

  11. I live in Sonoma Ca and all that matters as a dress code around here is your money green and are you willing to spend it. Here you never know who you are talking to unless you recognize them. Money does not equal a dress code in Sonoma. Everyone is treated equally and fairly, But turn off the cell phone, your not that important. :biggrin:

  12. I second the Lucca recommendation. Excellent prices and selection, plus the atmosphere is nice and old school. Their wine buys are usually fantastic.

    I usually go to the one at 1100 Valencia in the Mission, but there is also one in the Marina at 2120 Chestnut street. I assume they are two branches of the same place?



    Different owners not related at all.

  13. Cafe le Haye is the best restaurant in Sonoma. Avoid the Generals Daughter. La Poste is very good though I no longer go there (Personal problem with the Chef). Why not have dinner in St Helena? Lunch at The Girl and the Fig would be great ( I'm going for dinner tonight). Also The Depot Hotel on 1st st. west just north of the plaza is wonderful. I'm a local so pm or email if you have Questions.

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