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  1. A belated thanks for all your answers! Yes, it does make sense that this would refer to sea buckthorn. And thanks in particular to liuzhou for the Chinese characters -- this might be very useful in my shopping.
  2. Hey all, Hope you'll entertain a question from a newbie to this forum: I've been purusing a vegetable stock recipe from Eileen Yin Fei-Lo's "From the Earth" vegetarian cookbook, for which she lists "buckthorn seeds" as an ingredient. I can't remember having been at such a loss over an ingredient in awhile... couldn't find it in any local Chinese groceries or medicinal dry-goods shops, and, even weirder, can't really find any information about it online. Google searches mostly just seem to turn up sea buckthorn oil. Does anyone have any idea what this ingredient is, and perhaps what some alternative names are? Is it really that obscure? She also calls for red dates, which seem much, much easier to find. Thanks!
  3. Oh, I'm sorry! Not sure why it doesn't work. In any case, the recipe is for Curry Mee, which I take it is a variant of Lhaksa (sp?). So, a curried noodle soup with coconut milk and chicken. I'll check out your links in the meantime. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hi all, Apologies in advance if this as been covered elsewhere... I couldn't seem to find anything, though. Just wondering if anyone has any recipes for thai, vietnamese, or malaysian curry powder. One of the three is called for in a recipe I wanted to try (belatedly -- http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/07/dining/071lrex.html), but I'm not having any luck finding recipes for the powder itself. I'd just as soon make it myself, rather than buying pre-made. I have to admit I don't know much about curry powders in any of these cuisines (more familiar with Thai curry paste, but still relatively superficially), so any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  5. You can mailorder from Fee Brothers, last I heard. Or do think about making your own. Easy and fun. There should be lots of information if you dig around in the Egullet cocktail forum.
  6. Reviving this topic yet again! I didn't make my black cakes in time for the holidays, but figured a little mid-winter pick-me-up wouldn't be a bad idea anyway. A couple of questions on baking times though -- 1. I wasn't sure why some recipes in this thread (and others I've seen) call for baking times of 2 or 3 hours, while some say 45 minutes to an hour? There also seem to be slight differences in temperature, but I'm not sure if they're quite enough to explain the time discrepancies. 2. If I want to bake some of the black cakes in much smaller pans (say 5 or 6" diameter), does anyone have an estimate on what the baking time might be for those? Excited about this! This is a terrific thread.
  7. don't suppose you want to share that recipe, actually? sounds amazing.
  8. they work ok, but i think the common consensus is that they aren't quite the same as copper. also, if you dig back into this thread, you'll find a fair bit of discussion of different <i>brands</i> of silicone molds; apparently some are notably better than others.
  9. How did this turn out in the end, did you try it? I had heard too that it's better to cook directly on the oven rack, but was at a total loss as to how to get the molds in there without spilling all over the place. Would I ruin my cooling rack if I put it in the oven like this? I also tried making the white oil recently, and it was a disaster. The beeswax melted fine (in a jar immersed in simmering water), but as soon as i started adding oil, it would seize up, and it seemed difficult to get something liquid enough to work with. That said, even my less-than-perfect caneles are pretty damn tasty.
  10. there's a recipe somewhere on chocolate&zucchini for some very nice biscotti involving chestnut flour and, i think, praline paste? or chestnut flour pasta?
  11. i should start out by saying that i've never actually made a steamed pudding myself, though i've been wanting to for ages. but in thinking about the idea over the years, and reading recipes, it occurred to me (or maybe i saw it somewhere) -- could you make mini puddings in small (250mL) wide-mouthed mason jars? they would certainly stand up to steaming/heating no problem. would this work?
  12. hi all, once again, reviving this thread that seems to've been going on for years. i've read through most of it, but i just want to re-check one thing, if you'll forgive me: at the moment i don't think i can justify the splurge on copper molds, so i'll be going with silicone for the time being. i think i saw mention of at least once person greasing their silicone molds with the white oil mixture. is this true? does this work? i know in general you're not supposed to have to grease silicone (right?), but i'm very intrigued by the beeswax idea, and would like to try it if i could. does anyone have thoughts on this? advice? thanks! molly
  13. that's plenty precise for me! i haven't been to Eden in a long time, and didn't realize they had kimchi, etc. i'll definitely look for those other places too. thanks so much!
  14. Hey, can anyone point me to Korean groceries in Montreal? I know there must be some around, but I've only managed to find vague references so far. Thanks!
  15. iiinteresting. i too have seen green almonds for sale - do you think one could use them to make a nocino-esque liqueur? i've never seen green walnuts around, myself. and regarding the original vin d'orange recipe, is one really supposed to "grind" the orange and eau de vie, like in a food processor, or...?
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