I'm a new poster to this foreum, so please bear with me... I am interested in knowing if anyone read Mr. Giglio's reviews of both Lunello's and Augustino's in the Feb issue of NJ Monthly. Let me just give you some highlights. While reviewing Lunello's he speaks of the bar scene as a casting call for the Sopranos, with spandex shirts and open toe shoes. He then speaks of the woman as big-haired, bejeweled beauties. I found both these descriptions extremely inappropriate and not relavent at all to the topic at hand. Next Mr. Giglio's tell us that his dining partner, his Uncle Frank, nods toward a voluptuous blonde in a white Lycra T-shirt who's squeezing past their table and says, "I'll have a side of that". Again, extremely inappropriate. In reviewing Augustino's he describes the wife of the owner, Sharon, as being the perfect madam in a spaghetti-Western brothel, able to charm any gentleman while letting him know she'd be able to kick his butt out the door if he got out of line. He then tells us that she likes to use the f-word a lot. When Mr. Giglio called for a reservation Sharon told him that "the place is a f-in zoo and he's gotta call at least three days in advance to get a weeknight table and for a f-ing saturday call three weeks ahead, ok honey?" Is such detail really necessary? We are also told that she flirts shamelessly with Mr. Giglio in front of his wife. So that's the gist of it, really. He likes the food in both cases but the reviews are both obscene and filled with derogatory comments. Rosie, as a writer for the same magazine, I am interested in what you think of these reviews as well as what other posters think. Thanks