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  1. Hi everyone, I live in Long Island, New York. The mushrooms sprouted in my garden and there are so many that it is kind of scary. My mom picked those. It wasn't until after I posted that I actually went to go look at them. They grow in clumps and in all sizes. I can't tell you diameter since I threw those out. Would a picture of the growing clumps help?
  2. Thank you for all the responses. I hoped they were one of the easily identifiable kinds but since it doesn't seem to be, I will just leave them alone. They took over my garden
  3. Hi everyone, With all the rain we have been getting in NY, my backyard has sprouted a ton of mushrooms. They smell delicious and I would like to eat them but I don't want to eat something poisonous. Does anyone recognize these and can they be eaten? Thanks in advance.
  4. How does everyone store their turkey leftovers? sliced? I've tried slicing and putting into Ziplocs but then the meat gets dry and falls apart. I have also tried cutting turkey into chunks (ie. legs, breast, thighs) and storing in Ziplocs but then it just doesn't get eaten because no one wants to deal with cutting it up. Every time I roast a turkey, I seem to end up throwing half of it out. Help!
  5. Hi all, I want to try baking bread in my combination microwave/toaster oven but I'm unsure what bakeware is safe to put in it. I can't find the manual either. Is aluminimum foil ok on the toaster oven setting? Are metal pans? Do i need to buy all ceramic bakeware? If yes, what kind? Any experiences about baking in one of these is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Please bear with me as this is my first long post so there may be some mistakes. I have followed this thread for years and shared it with all my friends. At much urging from my boyfriend, I hereby add my worst meal. In my case it was actually a day of the worst food in my life. One day during summer vacation long past (I was about 9 or 10 years old), my aunt told me she needed to go out that day with her new husband's family on some business. She gave me the choice of staying home or going with her. To this day, I rue my choice. It is a day forever lost to me. My aunt and her husband were newly married and new immigrants to Canada. One or both of those conditions required her and my uncle to visit a governmental agency. Because of their unfamiliarity with the Canadian government, my uncle asked his brother, a Canadian resident of several years, to go with him. His brother agreed to go but made it a family outing for some reason unknown to me. Arriving at the government agency that morning at 10:00 AM was my aunt, my uncle, my uncle's brother, my uncle's brother's two teenage sons and his wife, and me (for a total of seven people). With typical government efficiency, we were all still there at noon. At this point, I was feeling hunger pangs and started whining to my aunt about lunch. My aunt consulted her husband and her new in-laws. They decided to save money and wait to eat at home. At this point in the story, I should point out that my aunt married into a family of people who transcended frugality long ago for their own level of extreme cheapness. At 3:00 PM, my incessant whining and that of the two teenage boys finally broke down the adults enough that my uncle and his brother agreed to go to a nearby grocery store and bring back some food. As I loved (and still love) grocery shopping, I pouted my way into being taken along. My uncle's brother went into the store and picked out a 1-gallon container of water and a loaf of marked down Wonder bread. My uncle tried suggesting that this might not be enough for seven people but was overruled by his brother. My uncle's brother then got one cup from a nearby fast food restaurant. We returned to the rest of the family and divided up the one loaf of bread. We took turns with the cup. I refused to partake of my unadorned bread and my portion was eaten by one of the teenage boys. After we spent the entire day at the government agency, my uncle agreed to go back to his brother's house for dinner. My uncle's brother's wife then proceeded to serve us with frozen dumplings she had made earlier. The family lacked any dumpling sauce beyond soy sauce. At this point, I was too hungry to care. My first bite into that dumpling drizzled with soy sauce was my last. The filling consisted of ground pork and peanut butter in a ratio of at least 1 to 1. It was the most disgusting thing I ever put into my mouth. Looking around the table, I could see my uncle and his family calmly eating these things. In the case of the two boys, they were shoveling them in with relish. After my aunt dropped me off at home, I ran into my mom's arms and burst into tears of hunger. At the end of this nightmarish day, my mother dried my tears and made another dinner just for me.
  7. I can't decide who to vote for since they are both so awful. Rory scares me with her gummy smile. Amy comes across as fake. Amy's smile seems manic sometimes and she is not someone I would want to watch. Of the 3 of them, I really liked Jag and I'm sorry for the way things turned out. Overall, this is my first season watching this show and I'm not sure I will even watch the finale. These 2 contestants are just so painfully horrible.
  8. Nomina

    Sausage Making

    For pigs blood, you might try the Chinese markets. I see it sold sometimes in blocks.
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