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Posts posted by hathor

  1. I thought it was just me hyperventilating over produce prices. .79 for one orange? .79 for a lemon?? These are Manhattan prices, Gourmet Garage to be specific.  GG used to be somewhat reasonable, but lately they lost their minds. And the Whole Foods down the block...$2.49 for about 6 basil leaves. Insane.

    Is it because of gas prices? Or just what the market will bear?

    You are definitely shopping in the wrong places. I pay $2 for a massive basil plant, .20 for an orange and about the same for a lemon depending on season. You need to shop uptown and stay away from Gourmet Garage.

    I went uptown...once.... Only kidding..but you are so right. If I have the time I either hit the Greenmarket, or Chelsea Market, or Chinatown.... But, most nights I don't get home until around 9:00, and I'm a buy now/eat now kinda gal. Just irks me because GG used to be a fair price.....

  2. I thought it was just me hyperventilating over produce prices. .79 for one orange? .79 for a lemon?? These are Manhattan prices, Gourmet Garage to be specific. GG used to be somewhat reasonable, but lately they lost their minds. And the Whole Foods down the block...$2.49 for about 6 basil leaves. Insane.

    Is it because of gas prices? Or just what the market will bear?

  3. Please, oh please, give me something to soothe my very long, cramped body in the middle of this flight-from-hell.

    As Busboy said: Ambien. Best thing you can eat on the overseas flights. I think I've been on most major carriers, and inconsistency is the rule. Never count on being fed. I was on Air France flight last summer where they had 'forgotten' the food and beverage...there wasn't even a sip of water to be had. They were so sorry for the inconvienence (however you spell that!).

  4. Do you have white beans on hand? Cook as you usually do (in some stock, salt water).

    Chop up some fresh basil, add some olive, then toss with the drained beans. Little coarse salt on top. Simple and divine!

  5. I make a salt scrub using olive oil and citrus peel that's fabulous, you come out of the shower all scrubbed and soft!

    Yum! Recipe?

    Yes please!

    I have a partially used bag of Dead Sea salts and a lemon tree...

    Swap you a recipe for a lemon tree!

    Basic recipe: mix equal weight of sea salt and baking soda. (is the sea salt extra coarse? if could be a bit too chunky...just a thought. Wonder if you could 'smooth' it out in a blender or food processor) Obviously use your judgement...I've had fine sea salt, and very coarse sea salt. You want a salt scrub, not dermabrasion!

    Microplane or grate off the lemon skins into some olive oil, or blend olive oil and sweet almond oil. Give a squeeze of lemon juice.

    Add enough oil so that the salt mixture is completely saturated and that there is about 1 or 2 inches of oil on top, place in a container that's big enough that you can reach your hand into the bottom and mix it up while you are in the shower.

    A batch of the oil mixture should last you 2-3 months.


  6. What is a flame tamer?

    It is a round peice of metal that you place over your burner. It absorbs and distributes the heat so you can obtain a perfect simmer.

    This is the one I have

    Flame Tamer

    Thanks! This could eliminate some of the cursing that goes on in the kitchen.

    Of course the downside of this is that there will be less reason to replace that nasty, horrible, unpredictable piece of garbage stove that I have now.... did I mention that I really hate this stove???? :wacko:

  7. do people that scuba like cocktails as much as wine generally? Can scuba influence booze preferences?  All the pretty water = cocktails.

    As a marine biologist I can assure you that this can indeed influence cocktail preferences. My colleagues who work in the Caribbean tend to favor rum-based drinks.

    I just came back from diving in Cozumel....it was either tequilla or rum. All that regulator air makes you mighty thirsty when you get back to land! :laugh:

    P.S. Edit to add if you are in NY, Balthazar makes a great mojito! My son is bar back and he's been practicing on us all summer...what good luck!! :laugh:

  8. I'm obsessed with anchovies this summer, not sure why....

    Susan in Fl, you know the red sauce with anchovies that you describe in the Dinner thread? Add a little splash of fresh orange juice, it brightens the flavors a bit, and is a lovely little accent.

    What about lamb shanks and anchovies?? Braised lamb shanks with anchovies are a winter treat. (Basic treatment: saute with some chopped celery, carrots, onion and anchovies until the anchovies dissolve, add garlic, chopped tomatoes, stock and simmer for a few hours).

    Its really good if you can find the anchovies in a jar, then you can just throw in as many as you want, whenever you want. This also makes you very popular with the kitties in your house! :laugh:

  9. Our perfect wine was a Turley 1997 Earthquake Zin. The earth literally moved...it was a lush festival of flavors as it rolled over the tongue and back to the throat. The nose was a deep forest full of nuances that you wanted to chase down. We've had other Earthquakes, even that vintage...but that one particular bottle was perfect.

  10. That's a whole lot of questions! The only one I can answer with certainty: coffee after desert.

    With less certainty:

    desert wine with desert

    cigarettes whenever they feel like it... seems as if they all smoke like chimneys!

    grappa usually shows up just when you think you can't drink or eat one more drop...and then you get the 'but you've never had good grappa' speech....

    and then you wind up in some stranger's swimming pool....ah, but, that is another story! :laugh:

  11. I think when Parker and Wine Spectator started handing out 100's they left themselves no where to go. To me it's funny not offensive. I have never tried to be perfect or have the perfect experience so I'm rarely dissapointed.

    I agree. 'tis a slippery slope when you start handing out perfection points. I didn't think anything could be 'perfect'..... And where does one find a completely unbiased 'judge' to award these perfect points? Especially on something as subjective as taste. I just don't get it.

  12. I have my own patio grown tomatoes for the first time this year. Made a mozzarella e pomodoro similar to what's shown above with fresh grown basil and parsley (from the same patio garden). Threw in some slices of orange tomato fromthe market and drizzled with a tiny ribbon of really, really good balsamic (the syrupy kind that's good for serving on strawberries) and some fruity EVOO. I could eat this for dinner every day. There was a steak and some potatoes involved but they're hardly worth mentioning when tomatoes are this good.

    Mine is not so artfully arranged but it sure was tasty.


    Do you like anchovies? Mash some anchovies with the basil and a little bit of the anchovy oil and use that as a dressing for the tomatoes. I am so happy tomatoes are finally in season!

  13. Fried artichokes and mint

    Barbecue potato chips and champagne (seriously)

    Baked/grill fish with slices of orange inside

    This thread is completely inspirational!! Except for the 'brown sauce' bit which is entirely dependent on the eater's country of origin! :laugh:

    Basil syrup on panna cotta...that sounds amazing!

  14. If anyone likes, I'll shoot another picture of the vine this week so you can see how it was trimmed back.

    Of course we like! We are living vicariously thru your blog!!

    I was in Italy 2 weeks ago and its amazing how much further along your grapes are than those in Tuscany/Umbria. They were just getting the tiny little grape-ettes while you had full blown fruit.

  15. Pork chop, very simply pan fried with salt, pepper and thyme. Served with fresh lime. The pork chop was from the Berkshire pig, and was amazingly tasty and flavorful.

    White beans and basil.

    Heirloom and tomato salad with a mashed anchovy/basil dressing. mmmmm.... :smile:

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