Water and a salad. And this is in any way a balanced meal? Oh, what was I thinking, it's McDonalds, none of the meals are balanced! Silly me, mea culpa.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful blog! The view of SA was great, although it sounds like you're going to have a lot of drop in eGulleters!! Have a great weekend....watch your back.
If I'm cooking or prepping -- coffee, cigarettes maybe a Gatorade. If I'm in the office as above if time is an issue, otherwise a take away soup, pho, sushi, something quick and easy I can eat while i'm working. Bad, bad eating habits!
Oh, how awful. I suffered with a terrible flu a couple weeks back. I existed on dry toast, weak tea and Gatorade. I hope you feel better soon, get lots of rest.
No problem, Jake! Now let me see - the outside guest room can sleep two, inside room another two...... Well, I'd better find a babysitter for our three dogs!
Yet another comment on seeing greenery at this time of year!!! Looking forward to your blog, gsquared -- best not make it too intriguing, sounds like you could have a lot of eGulleters jumping on planes!!
Haven't cooked one. I, too, usually stick to rib. I'd suggest seasoning and searing and then roasting slowly, say a 325 degree oven to rare or medium rare depending on your taste. I did a search to see if I could come up with anything, i.e. is there a different name for it these days to no avail. Could be my searching techniques Please post if you get any further information when ordering from your butcher.
I'd have to guess the whole sirloin, or a good part thereof. They used to cut sirloin steaks with the pin bone in so it would seem to make sense. You are correct that rump or round wouldn't have been that tender, and were usually referred to by those names.
Not to my knowledge...acquaintance might be more accurate having followed many of them for a number of years. Anyone read today's review on Ultra? Paul Boehmer was fabulous at Opus, but she wasn't as complementary to him today as she used to be. Anyone eaten at Ultra yet?
I'm very, very good at trying many. I believe your method of "having 3 just to be sure" is probably in the best interested of scientific research on the subject. Hope the back feels better for the trip.
Good question, Keith. Perhaps she has just been unlucky?? Or perhaps there are a large number of Torontonians willing to accept mediocrity in food, bad service, etc. I'm not sure. I can tell you that over the years I have agreed with a number of her reviews. As for last week's trattoria, not sure I'd even heard of it, let alone tried it. Perhaps she'll have had better luck this week? Any Torontonians out there have a view??
My grandmother used to make us brown sugar sandwiches with tea. Strangely enough, mom never would....something about not a proper lunch? This from the woman that eats peanut butter and red onion sandwiches to this day!
Gotta vote for Pepsi. Although the Diet Coke and lime does sound worth a try. I'm sure Pepsi will come up with one soon. Not a fan of their lemon one though.