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Raoul Duke

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Everything posted by Raoul Duke

  1. Grazie!
  2. I'm accustomed to making fresh pasta but I want to make a pappardelle with sage added for braised short ribs. Any ratios someone can suggest? Fresh OK?
  3. Don't forget the ghanja.
  4. More on regulatory efforts concerning olive oil. http://www.oliveoiltimes.com/opinion/u-s-strikes-olive-oil-strongholds/36498
  5. The large olive oil Importers were able to stop regulatory efforts in the last farm bill that would have made it harder to bring that crap oil into the US. They were able to accomplish this through their US distributors who contribute heavily to congressmen/women and senators. It politics boys and girls looking out for the American public.
  6. I'd have to say build a relationship with a grower/producer that has a product to suit your taste. It is almost impossible to eliminate deceptive practices in the olive oil biz short of more gov't regulation/intervention. When American producers want more gov't oversight on product the importers scream protectionism and the congress, in typical fashion, ignore the issue. A world wide agreement on testing criteria would be a start.
  7. I certainly wouldn't suggest ignoring smaller producers, simply pointing to sources for review. The listing of the participants in the LA International Olive Oil Competition is riff with producers large and small, with or without affiliations to formalized organizations. These suggestions are for those individuals from other areas that don't have the luxury of tasting oil locally, as do you and I. Also look for harvest dates vs. expiration dates. A good suggestion, but there are quite a few producers that are not members of these organization, and to discount a producer because of their lack of affiliation could be doing a buyer a disservice. OTOH, checking these associations is certainly a good place to start, just don't arbitrarily stop there. There are some great, really small, almost obscure, producers.
  8. Try to buy locally. Taste before you buy if possible, if not buy a small bottle to insure you'll like it. If not you've not wasted a lot of change. Remember the enemies of olive oil are light, heat and oxygen. Look for dark bottles, go with screw caps and, store in a cool spot like a lower cabinet. Beyond the producers Shel B has suggested there are a large number producing in all of California, some in Arizona and Texas. Look for the local olive organizations to see who's a member and producer. Ours is the Central Coast Olive Growers www.centralcoastolivegrowers.org Another good source is the listing of results of the Los Angeles Olive Oil competition as part of the LA County fair. Probably the largest number of worldwide entries that will steer you in the right direction.
  9. The San Luis Obispo county area has a large number of farmers markets that may serve your needs. I think the not to miss are Baywood/Los Osos, 2-4:30pm Monday afternoons, Downtown SLO 6:30-9p, Thursday and Avila Beach, 4-8pm on Fridays, Arroyo Grande 12-2:30p on Saturday,
  10. I don't write a blog, am a happy Californian (82 degrees today here in Paso Robles) and enjoy eating in SF since I think they have some excellent choices. For what it's worth Farallon has a very nice filet and Boulevard doesn't disappoint. Granted not a lot of menu choices but, still good. And fer Cris' sake if you're so unhappy, move on.
  11. I'm currently using a variety of sizes of un-leaded, glazed La Tienda cazuellas in a standard oven and, principally in a wood fired oven at temps from 200 to 700 degrees. In the wood oven I introduce them slowly, rotating often without issue. For specific dishes I preheat the clay prior to using them in the wfo.
  12. The Tom Colicchio recipe in "Think Like A Chef" is very nice as well. I've done it twice once with garlic smashed potato and, the second with fresh made sage pappardelle which I liked better.
  13. Chicken enchiladas with tomatillo sauce.
  14. I too was happy to see the recipe index included, it makes my efforts to create a digital recipe file of all the issues, a hellova lot easier. The pan fried crabs in chipotle sauce are on my to try list.
  15. Oregon's got it goin' on. I loved the 8 years I spent there. I got a job there but I think I went for the fishing. Nice article on P'land food trucks in the latest Saveur mag.
  16. HC - Check out the NOLA area for someone who has a WFO that you can see. Check the Slice section of Serious Eats web site for other folks out there like me. It really doesn't have to be elaborate to produce great pizza.
  17. The start up is relatively simple and cleanup is a non issue. A cord of wood lasts me about a 18+mos. The objective is to plan secondary meals when you fire the oven tobest utilize the thermal efficiencies and resources. Pizza at 850 degrees is a different equation than the Weber or any oven @ 600 degrees. Comparing them is like my saying my LAD is clean as a whistle after 68 years.
  18. Dome was built on site, fire brick on edge (4") with a 12" vermiculite/cement slurry for heat retention. All the remaining space backfilled with vermiculite to the top. After a night of pizza the oven still reads 200-250 degrees w/o the door in place, the following morning.
  19. I have a wood fired oven, not a Forno Bravo, but you'll note that I identify it as a WFO not a pizza oven. That's the magic of it, the multiple uses it serves. Takes a couple of hours to heat the oven at which time we do pizza when it drops to 850 degrees from 1,000-1,100 degrees. After the pizza we let it cool to 500 or so and put in a chicken or short ribs to cook. The final cooking is a couple loaves of bread. This is an oven for my wife and I, occasional family and neighbors. All being said it's worth the effort of firing and cleaning up (small chore) for the oven benefits. I'd build one again in a heartbeat, only larger. Home built with super insulation to retain the thermal efficiency for cooking beyond pizza. Rock fish on salt, gratin vegetables, mushroom, sausage, shrimp apps before meals, etc.....I still use a gas grill, weber, hibachi and electric smoker but none will substitute for the WFO. Here's a look. http://slice.seriouseats.com/archives/2009/08/my-pizza-oven-nick-and-robin-gladdis-paso-robles-california.html?ref=search
  20. I only wish more folks took a vested interest in where their products come from. I also buy as local as possible with occasional other products that are unavailable, like that single malt scotch I enjoy. California Olive Ranch is the largest producer, in the US, of EVOO and a well run enterprise.
  21. Oh yea, I never eat "dirt-cheap, imported shrimp......" but you will buy imported extra virgin olive oil of questionable content and origin ignoring the US produced. There's a bunch of American farmers your purchase also matters to. Kindly, An American farmer.
  22. Raoul Duke

    Dinner! 2012

    Stuffed Zucchini ala Marcella Hazan, just prior to going into the broiler for the finish. Italian zucchini, garlic, onions from the garden, olive oil from our groves, home ground pork shoulder and some San Marzano tomatoes and Parmesean from the store.
  23. The problem is that walking away from this eatery doesn't send a message, it just allows people to get away with this crap. When are we going to stop rolling over for individuals that are a**holes. Call him out on it in a public forum, take command of the issue. Stop being a pushover.
  24. I hope you checked the corporate refrigerator prior to accepting the position. That tells you a lot about a company. Good luck on the new challenges.
  25. I'd include a couple cans of .223 rounds for that M-5. After all it is a disaster.
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