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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. Oh, and Sam has said he'll join us for pizza in Brooklyn at -- well, I can't remember the place, but he told us we need to get there right at noon, when the oven is hot. We can then get ice cream and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge back to Manhattan after lunch.
  2. We're thinking of Lupa for one meal. The older two have been to Becco and are clamoring to go back. I'm just glad we're only two blocks from the Vinegar Factory for good bagels, lox and cream cheese! I want to figure out a higher end restaurant that will take care of all the kids, who will be able to think back, years from now, and say that this was the best restaurant restaurant they ever visited. I'm thinking on the lines of Union Square Cafe. I sort of know their general manager through Fat Guy, and he remembers me. What do y'all think?
  3. I know there have been several posts about New York with kids, but each family is different. I'll be in the city for a week with my 4 children, and any guidance will be appreciated. Here are the details, and I absolutely that we can take care of 3 of the kids on a given night, but it may be all but impossible to appease all 4. Oldest: 13 year old boy. Loves seafood, but is willing to try just about anything. 11 year old girl. Pickiest of all by far. Loves pasta and steak. Hates (and I mean HATES) seafood. Not willing to try much of anything. Our most difficult child. 8 year old boy. Will try absolutely anything. Will be honest whether he likes it or not, but usually likes thing he tries. A foodie parent's dream child. 6 year old girl. Would always order off the kids' menu if given a choice, but willing to try new things from time to time. Not overly picky, but she likes her comfort zone. We're staying on the Upper East Side, near the 92nd St. Y. Will be there for a full week. Want to introduce the kids to Chinatown, although none of them love Chinese food. Want to go to a classic deli. Want to go to one upscale restaurant that will deal with the children's idiosyncracies. Want a classic NY pizza. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. All of Bryan's recommendations are spot on. Some of these places aren't real easy to find, so if there's anything that has piqued your interest, let us know. We're here to help!
  5. For those of you who haven't met Brooks, he's as gracious and colorful in person as he is online. He also knows more people in the food world than just about anyone I know. Fortunately, just because a staff member decides to step down from the demanding work of the eG Society doesn't mean he will be leaving us (and folks, it is quite time consuming, but rewarding). On the contrary, I'm confident Brooks will be even more colorful than ever with his contributions on these forums. So Brooks, knock yourself out and have fun!
  6. That is fantastic news. I'm disappointed I missed it by a week or so, but I couldn't be happer for Miss Willie Mae.
  7. Varmint


    If there is a heaven, everything will be cooked in duck fat.
  8. ha Varmint, are you referring to the MadDucketts multi millionaire Lance Dowds?? Clerks 2?? Jonathan Ross, who hosts a TV review programme here didn't like it much and I have to agree (only saw bits of it as kids were watching a pirated copy from China)... they enjoyed it more than i did (I could hear the laughter from upstairs) ← Yes, it is Clerks 2! I think I've shared enough information already on this particular food-related matter. Eek!
  9. Clue for 23: This is a sequel, and the pickle is inserted into a lower body orifice of certain members of the senior class. OK, this is an adult crowd, right? The movie came out in the last year.
  10. Construction is moving forward with Fins, and it will be relocating downtown, rather than opening up a second location. I'm going to try to get some access to the construction scene, and perhaps some pictures. In the meantime, William and Lisa D'Auvray are excited about this new venture, which should open up in early Spring. They are looking for lots of help both in the front of the house and in the kitchen. Lisa has even given me permission to post a number to call if you're interested in an interview: 919-834-6963. Details to follow!
  11. How about a pickle used in an unmentionable way in a sort of, er, rites of passage?
  12. Would that be Willie Wonka?
  13. You'll get nothing, and you'll like it. Classic! That's Caddyshack, of course.
  14. Well, I won't wait anymore. Ketchup on the sweet side is Meet Me in St. Louis.
  15. I added a new one based on Toliver's ketchup reference: a popsicle made of ketchup.
  16. That one is a little easy, so I'll leave it to the folks from Missouri to answer. However, here's another one: a popsicle made of ketchup.
  17. I believe we got #1 -- it was 1941.
  18. Could #1 be 1941? I can't think of any other movie that referenced Dumbo in it. Plus, it's the Spielberg film that many have forgotten (but how could you???!!!)
  19. A boyhood fantasy of mine: Ann Margaret covered in chocolate syrup. Tommy is the answer.
  20. And 8 is Little Women (says the closet Winona Ryder fan).
  21. 13 is easy: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  22. "South" is open for dinner beginning today. Here's the press release that I just received from the Jennings' publicist:
  23. I just got this response from John T. Edge, who knows a little about Southern food: The best explanation I've heard was from Hap Townes of Nashville, whose father was the grand ol man of the business. He told me the term originated from the honor system by which bills were paid in such places: As in you walk up to the register after you eat and say "I had a meat-and-three." Makes sense to me.
  24. Rubber, rubber, rubber. I've been trying to get the word out that these are the best things you can get for your kitchen. They're indestructible, can go in the dishwasher, can be sanded down, can be put back in shape if they warp, and are knife friendly. They're heavy, but that's a small price to pay.
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