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Posts posted by Cusina

  1. This is my new favorite variety, but I think they're disappearing from the local stores.

    Funny, I had the opposite impression. I only saw honeycrisp for sale once last year at an apple orchard. This year they were at the orchard in larger numbers, at the farmer's market AND in the regular grocery. I think they are getting to be more popular.

  2. They grow the honeycrisp here in Wisconsin as well, and they are delicious. We often buy them at the Saturday farmer's market and even occasionally see them in the grocery. Of course our apple season is long past. Have to eat applesauce and wait for next September for the local ones.

  3. I just call mom.

    :biggrin: I like this one

    Man, I'm a wreck, I do all of the above. I use mastercook, and print recipes from there, taking notes afterwords. I also have a binder with plastic pages full of family recipes. I guess I like having them in the original handwriting and can't seem to part with that system.

    My grandmother was a model of efficiency (some of you remember this from my blog). She had an index card box separated by category. The most used recipes have little plastic sleeves on them. I own this now and the simplicity of the system appeals to me. Sometimes I'm tempted to reverse my ways and just buy a stack of index cards, but then I think of all that illegible handwriting and the dozens of one time only recipes...


  4. Hey, I'll buy your book!

    (some of us take a while to pick up on those subtle hints)

    We have the same deal with the garbage, but no limit on recycleables. I've gotten very good at recycling and compacting. The worst is christmas. All that wrapping paper isn't recycleable. I'm tempted to wrap most of our presents in butcher paper this year and make the kids color it... nah. :rolleyes:

  5. There is a nice white table cloth kind of place in my town that plays what I can only describe as B grade 80s porn soundtrack in the background. Generally, it's low enough not to be heard in the dining room, but it gets louder in the bathroom. Makes me laugh and think of big hair and purple eyeshadow.

    Don't even ask how I know what bad 80s porn sounds like. :blink:

  6. My favorites are wheat beers, usually micro brews pubs stumbled across while playing tourist on a hot day. Crop circle wheat in Madisons' Great Dane is mighty good, for example.

    My least favorite are the berry beers. They taste too contrived for me, though maybe I just haven't had a good one.

  7. I'm curious about european style butters. This is the brand available to meorganic valley, unfortunately Pleugra just isn't in our stores.

    They have both a traditional unsalted and a european style "enzyme treated" butter. I'm wondering what enzyme treated means and what the difference will be, flavorwise in my baked goods if I use the european style butter. I would have to hunt down the european style, is it worth the effort?

  8. Gluttony + Sloth = SLUTTONY

    Gluttony and Sloth are personally, my two favorite Deadly Sins, preferably performed in that order. Eat incredibly well, then lie about completely sated and lazy. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. If you can work Lust in there somewhere, maybe after the Gluttony, just call it a great date. :wink::laugh:

    Katie, this is hilarious! Sluttony. :biggrin:

    I agree. The "sin" gluttony implies depriving someone else in search of your own pleasure.

    How do you tell a gourmand from a glutton? I guess in my mind a gourmand is into his or her food for the entire experience: the company, ambiance, the sights, smells, tastes, textures and most of all the pleasure in the understanding of the ingredients and effort put into the food in front of them. A true glutton would have none of those appreciations, just a selfish desire to have what others do not.

    Very interesting questions. I'll look forward to reading more posts.

  9. Wow, what a drama. And all on tape for you to cherish always.

    Sounded like a great meal happened at your house despite it all. You deserve some sort of medal for all that perserverance. Food Valor under in-law duress. The last minute pumpkin pie would have sent me through the roof.

  10. I'm glad you got the tag this week. I've been reading your threads and am very much looking forward to having an in depth look through your blog. I had the pleasure of visiting a dear friend in Des Moines, attending the Iowa state fair and a sweet corn festival in a cute little town square (gosh, I can't remember the name, Adel? maybe?) this past August and now know first hand the glories of Iowa food.

  11. I've dug this out of the past hoping for some more goodies!

    This year I'm planning to do a biscotti (lemon ginger) and our traditional not very complicated M&M cookies and a few new things yet to be determined. I'm especially looking for things that will freeze/travel well. What will you all be doing this year?

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