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Everything posted by River

  1. thanks jane i *do* know from your post where some of these are! -will check em out karen
  2. jane can you post the names of these 2 asian markets? i would be willing to make the trip also thanks for the tip on the polish market river
  3. jane i have no idea where a portuguese grocer would be...waterbury probably has one or two at least. if you find one can you post? also WHERE do you (or anyone else) know of a good chinese grocer in the waterbury ct area? thanks. r.
  4. i remember seeing that awhile ago too-emeril was so shy and quiet and in awe and very respectful towards julia.
  5. lindsey's at the beginning of the cape (buzzard's bay) was VERY good a few years ago-when i last visited the cape the jailhouse in chatham(?) was good as i recall. and i agree about arnold's - good stuff. r.
  6. i second this! thanks again for the suggestion trish.
  7. i read over on usenet he did an ad for taco bell too-true?
  8. he did great things for those kids, he really went above and beyond more than once and the show was interesting... as others have already said here what BUGGED me was all the screen time for the screw ups -the ones who toed the line and worked their asses off got background shots at the most-how come they werent put into the spotlight? they certainly deserved it.
  9. > Saveur, occasionally. But it's hit and miss. thanks i'll half-heartedly look for it river
  10. anything in the waterbury connecticut area? thankee river
  11. i used to get gourmet, used to get bon appetit, used to get cook's - they are all kind of BORING -is there any cooking magazine out there worth the $$ ?? p.s. i am new hello thanks-river p.s.s. who ARE the chefs on that cover anyway??
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