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Derek Diggler

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  1. go to save on foods and peel the stickers off :D
  2. pho van flotah dimsum resteraunt
  3. I personally would never cook anything in the dishwasher, wrapped or not. You have no control over the heat, can't see what is going on in there, and there has bound to be traces of chemicals floating around in there. Not to mention it is kind of disrespectful to the food. I would also be wary of cooking things on the BBQ wrapped in foil, especially when using something acidic, like lemon. The aluminium reacts with the acid and breaks down, creating a nasty aluminum residue in your food. Take a lemon, cut it in half, wrap in foil, wait a few hours and see what it looks like. Bob Blummer ugh.
  4. Try getting a hold of Continental Importers, last I heard you could get a kilo for $1000, vaccuum packed.
  5. "slow death march" that's a good one. There are way to many fine eateries to choose from, but at that price I can't afford not to go!
  6. Check out Showcase at the Pinnacle Marriot on Thurlow and Hastings. A fine brunch if there ever was one, only $30 or so. Innovative, lots of variety and quite casual for a hotel environment.
  7. That is almost a sig worthy quote. I tend to stay away from things like ass, as they are likely to contain things that are associatted with asses, and can't be healthy. I also donut eat things like livers or kidnies, as they are the filters of the body, which can't be good for you either.
  8. Ass is my best guess.
  9. Maria!!! <3 Welcome! Hooray!
  10. Must...bite...tounge...
  11. Rebar is great. Make sure to try out the apple cider they have there. The blue fox cafe on Fort (Fart) Street makes #1 french toast in my books.
  12. Shao Lin noodle house, 1/2 block west of cambie on broadway. south side. Damn fine soup and noodles.
  13. mountain burger house, squamish :D OR try Joe's on 4th, just down the hill 1/3 block from sophies. cheap, and they make a mean grilled cheese. Oh, and for brunch, try The Marriot Pinnacle, on hastings and thurlow, $30 for the best brunch ever, not that I worked there for 2 years ;)
  14. fucking rights I'm in. The best burger I have had was at the Delta Vancouver suites hotel, seymour and hastings. 1/3rd lamb, bound with demi glace and oats. Not that I apprenticed there or anything
  15. I'll give you one reason. The closer food is to the earth, the healthier it is for you. I have a bottle of vodka with 20 vanilla beans soaking in it, it's black. the real deal, and I can just add vodka to it when it runs low.
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