Finally a topic I know something about. San Marzano tomatoes can only be called that if they are imported. Otherwise they are called italian or plum tomatoes. Muir Glen was picked best by Cooking Illustrated (subscriber since 1993) I myself being the food snob grow my own every year and can them. I usually buy some San Marzano seeds or plants if I can find them. I also buy some amish paste, roma and a few other plants and cross polinate them. Which means using a skewer I take some pollen from one and move it all around(very time consuming, well worth the trouble) I do NOT like Parmalat Pomi brand it tastes boiled and overprocessed it has no bite. Parmalat is the Enron of 2004 so look for the possible disappearance of that brand, if you like it start buying some extra. Parmalat borrowed money based on doctored documents, huge banking scandal. I only use plum tomatoes for sauce, they are meaty and make better sauce. My favorite canned brand Cento when I can find it and Progesso when its on sale. Tuttorosso a Shop Rite staple will do.