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Bicycle Lee

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Everything posted by Bicycle Lee

  1. so, is the consensus that agar will or will not work? and...any thoughts on a slightly more savory application of flavored marshmallows?
  2. why not hold off on plating and just let the protein rest for a couple minutes while you whip up a pan sauce. Do you have the sauce ingredients laid out before you start?
  3. I see the use of graham crackers a lot, but no recipes for them...can anyone help?
  4. There's a strip club here called The Office...same pun applies...
  5. Bicycle Lee

    Seared Scallops

    I second the notion of finishing in the oven. I have had great results with this. Also, even if they are "no-water added" I would still pat dry with a towel before the searing...
  6. Any source? To what temp was it dropped?
  7. I second that... I have to make zabaglione everyday at work and that is the way to do it...although I have to reach over a counter to submerge it in hot water, I try to keep my upper arm rather motionless and only use my wrist...it helps a lot...
  8. alright alright.... I stand corrected.
  9. any name that can be tinkered with to sound gross is pretty bad...there's a chain here called Buca Du Beppo... I always refer to it as Poopoo du Crappo... ummm...I know, I'm weird... I like restaurants with names that do not immediately give away the faire....I mean, I work at a place called the Paris Bistro...guess what kind of food we do... hehe There used to be a place in town called Bacchus...I like that name...
  10. I bet it could.... my best success with hollandaise has been with a blender. Yolks blended, add the boiling water and then slowly add the butter....return it to a bain marie and whisk with the lemon juice and s+p.... this has worked well for me....
  11. my cuilnary nemesis is a severely busy restaurant. When I get in the weeds I find that not only am I not having a good time, but also that I cannot give the attention that is needed to every item.
  12. chicken should always be 165 for white meat and slightly higher for dark...I don't fuck with that simply because chicken is so damned dirty... but with beef, I feel that if the flesh is still holding onto its juice and is cool to the touch in the center, then it is too rare. I worked at a place that served tenderloin that was 14 bucks a pound (our cost) and this one woman kept sending it back saying that it wasn't rare enough. I know that good beef should be able to be served below 125 in the center, but when you are playing with people's health no steak should go out below that temp...it just isn't "safe"...
  13. nah...the ones I've had were more like a waffle and caramel sandwich... I've heard heroin can be quite addictive, but I guess you're talking about food.
  14. A senior citizen?? What ever happened to "sixty is the new forty!"?? not in my family...I'll be lucky to see 60. but if Timothy Leary was right, soon we'll all be immortal....unfortunately he died at 76. My parents are both nearing 60 and they are both very active...(my mother holds and regularly breaks records in her age group for masters swimming)...but I mistreat my body for the sake of enjoying it while it is fresh and young, so I wouldn't be surprised if I did not make it to 65. Diet certainly doesn't help either. SMI2LE
  15. I just tried an Australian wine that I really liked... it was an Elderton Syrah Tantalus...really unobtrusive, full flavor, slightly sweet...it was just my steez... just in case you were wondering what to buy this weekend
  16. rellenos are a great app.... I like the ceviche idea too...
  17. I say braise the f*&ker in beef stock, tomato juice, onions, carrots and celery...don't forget plenty of herbs and s&p....serve the pull-apart meat over white rice or mashed potatoes...eh?
  18. I don't know about flat beer...or letting it rest, but when I use a beer batter and the batter jumps off of the onion it usually means that it is too thin. When I learned how to make a good beer batter I was appalled to find that the best results came from a batter that was as thick as oatmeal...
  19. in a restaurant kitchen, I always love the giant wand-mixer.... You can emulsify a gallon of dressing in 5 seconds and that is really cool. Also, the Hobart dishwashers....why can't they make home dishwashers that work as fast?
  20. I was wondering if the dandelion greens that you buy in stores is the same as the stuff that grows profusely all around. I just wanted to know before I go and pick a lot of them and find out that they are no good. Thanks
  21. it's pUrgatory....FYI and pardon my French, but...FUCK those guys... It's one thing to take a bite of something and think that it's a little off, but to just look at it and say "Umm, this LOOKS too weird for me to eat" is insanity.
  22. one thing I've heard of a couple restaurants doing that I think is bogus is charging you for a staff meal everyday you work whether you eat it or not...
  23. can one only enjoy hearing about sex over a capon?
  24. I've worked in a couple places where staff meal was stressed...and it was nice...everywhere else they make you stuff from the menu and then take money out of your check. The first restaurant I worked at, I was a prep cook. One of my daily duties was to prepare staff meal. The chef bought whole chickens to get just the breast off because it was cheaper that way and I used the thighs and legs a lot. Many variations...typically with mashies or a side of rice and veggies... i also made giant sandwiches using surplus lunch meat from the diner next door...people loved that cuz they could have fries and it didn't matter if it sat for a while...the chicken was different. But yes, I usually looked at what was in stock, what had been prepped days before and could be liquidated and what people liked...I never tried to shortchange anyone because I knew they enjoyed a good meal before service. I also worked at a place on Orcas Island, Washington and at the end of serive we got to choose anything...well except the 14 dollar a pound tenderloin...any fish; ahi, salmon, halibut.... I asked the chef once if it were a waste of money to give the good food to staff...he said, "First of all, there isn't many choices of after-service food on the island, secondly a happy staff is a cooperative and hard-working staff." Of course, giving out portions of good fish is not feasible everywhere...but staff meal is always important. A good cook can take virtually anything in the walk in and make it palatable IMO.
  25. fair enough
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