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    Portland, OR
  1. Nevermind, I found it. For anyone else who is looking for it's at Kitchen Arts & Letters.
  2. Hello Nathan, and/or anybody else who bought this book from the US, where did you find it? where can I get it? Thanks, Elizabeth
  3. eem

    Café con leche

    Thanks a lot inespm. Every place seems to have their particular styles to drink coffee. I just sort of got into coffee cause i got an espresso machine for a little chocolate shop I just opened and i'm finding out all about coffee. I live in the Northwest United States (Portland, OR) and I'm just now discovering how obsessed (in an admirable way) some people are about the way they produce their coffee. Milk based drinks at anytime of the day are popular but their are some places that take lots of pride and work hard at pulling excellent shots of different single origen beans.
  4. Hello, Could anyone tell me how to make café con leche as they do in Cuba? Puerto Rico? España? Are there any differences between the three? I used to drink it all the time in España but I guess I didn't pay attention to how it was made. Thanks a lot for any info!
  5. Thanks!
  6. I want to learn how to cold brew coffee. Thanks for any help.
  7. Dear Consacrer, Wingnut (the vegan truffles) aren't at the PSU Saturday farmer's market anymore but you CAN find them at Wholefoods on NW Burnside. Elizabeth
  8. eem

    Mel's New Bakery

    Congratulations! I believe a movie is in order! Hey how come you're not selling at the Farmer's Market yet? What's a matter? Not enough energy?? (this is a joke, please don't throw a pan at me....)
  9. Thanks Lisbeth, I checked that site and I liked the design, but even though they call it a chocolate display case the temperature range on it is still too low. Thanks though... I'm working on opening a little, I mean TINY chocolate shop/kitchen in NW Porltand, nothing crazy fancy, just someplace to get fresh chocolates and espresso. It probably won't be finished until after Valentine's Day (boo hoo!) but I'll keep plugging along. Hi Pam, Hope you're doing well! E.
  10. Thanks chiantiglace, I think those are for refrigeratable foods. Chocolate is quite prissy and needs an atmosphere of low 60s F and controlled humidity. I think I may have found one to look at at my neighborhood restaurant supply. We'll see how it is. Thanks, E.
  11. Hi, It's been such a long time since I've spent time on egullet, mostly because I've been working on opening a chocolate shop....hooray! Anyway, I'm looking for a chocolate display case and wondered if any kind souls had some suggestions. I will be storing fresh ganache filled chocolates, etc. I have seen the websites of Vega showcases but they are too bulky for my tiny space and they require electrical and plumbing adjustments to the space. I have also seen the Fixture group cases and those look good so far but I wanted to check with you all. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Elizabeth
  12. eem

    Mel's New Bakery

    Hi Mel, I wanted to go again before posting just because when I went I was sort of rushed and hungry and ate things too quickly and was a bit mesmerized to tell you the truth because there is that whole other display around the corner. I couldn't decide what to get and it all looked so good. I told the friend that was with me that I was getting so many thing to share with my boyfriend but I have to confess I only gave him maybe three bites of the cheesecake (which was all that was left when I got home). The peanut butter cookies are REALLY good. They have the perfect amount of salt. (Why do so many people overlook this?). Anyway, I want to get over there again soon (I'm way over in NW) and perhaps make your acquaintance and congratulate you in person. Oh and the florentine with pistachios and candied orange peel was delightful. Best of luck, Elizabeth
  13. I tried a selection last year and so have not yet tasted the newer interesting sounding stuff. I thought they arrived nicely, and I loved the packaging and all the pictures I see of their shop in Soho and their catalog. Their marketing is superb. I even like that they do yoga and encourage relaxed states for the chocolate experience. The owner sounds playful, free and super imaginative I also like the clean uniformity in their decoration. I wasn't overly impressed with the strength of the chocolate used next to the exotic ingredients used though. The other ingredients took over and the chocolate seemed like a vehicle. The shells were also quite thick for such a "luxury" chocolate. A lot of people have qualms with this. I agree that a thin shelled ganache filled chocolate is a great clean experience, But....I have no problem with thicker shelled chocolates If the chocolate is great tasting (that just means more great unaltered chocolate on my tongue). They were pricey but not the priciest I've eaten. The priciest have come from a shop in Taos, I think they were $3-$3.50 a piece (same size or smaller than Vosges). My boyfriend bought me some of these and they arrived ugly and messed up. The way he described it was that the owner practically threw them into the box. One could see the lack of care and detail for sure. You'll have to excuse me, things like this REALLY bother me. There's a lot to be said for the way objects of food or other special items are handled. And this is what Vosges is good at. I appreciate the value they place on the visuals. The big problem I have with Vosges is their descriptor, "Haut Chocolat". Why is it Haut? As far as I'm concerned, "Haut" should describe something that is VERY handmade using the BEST materials. It's labor intensive and made to order hence the high price. This decription is misleading the customers into thinking that's what the product is. Don't get me wrong. I will be quite happy when I get my own tempering machine and maybe even a conveyor belt. I have no qualms about this, but I will not be calling them haut chocolat. I could be getting in trouble here........I've heard here that they use pre-made shells to fill with their exotic ganaches. Well, who cares. As I'm sure many of us know, truffles are damn hard to hand roll with out ending up with cracks, bubbles, thick shells or cocoa powder piled on. But to call them haut chocolat. If they do use pre-made shells then hopefully they mold them themselves with tastier chocolate than what they're already made of. Using the belt is not a problem. Doing everything handmade is not insurance that they are better chocolates. This just bothers me because hand-rolling would be a given in haute chocolature and the labor cost involved would be one of the arguments behind the higher price and the licence to use such a description as "haut chocolat". Anyway, I might be able to say more but I normally don't spend this much time on egullet. (only because I feel guilty about all the other things I have to do). And I didn't mean to come down so hard on Vosges (if your out there) after all the owner encourages their workers to practice yoga and it sounds like an appreciative company to work for (you might even get publicly thanked with your picture in the catalog). eem
  14. Thanks everyone for clarifying this for me! I live in Portland, OR and I can find boquerones en vinagre as well as my other Spanish favorite: the anchovy stuffed olive....yum...its juice would so improve a bloody mary. Bocartada....braised anchovies sound lovely! Elizabeth
  15. Hi, I lived in Granada in the early nineties and ate boquerones ALL THE TIME. They're one of my top favorite foods, fried with lemon wedge or in oil & vinegar (?). But....I never found out the name of those little fish in english - (sorry, I'm pretty seafood illiterate). Would someone please tell me if they are anchovies, sardines or something else? I'm finally going to get some fresh anchovies and if the boquerones served in Andalucia are indeed anchovies then I would love to try my hand at this scrumptious treat. So..... does anyone know how to prepare them? They seemed like they were lightly coated with flour and fried -in olive oil? -pan-fried or deep fried? -gutted? Thanks a lot for anyone's help on this subject! Elizabeth
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