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Everything posted by sheffield

  1. here here
  2. sheffield

    French Beer

    kro is just ok. if you drink agood german beer its impossible to go on to kro ps amstel dutch
  3. sheffield


    I can
  4. sheffield

    Singha Beer

    singha having no taste dont know if I agree with that.
  5. tend to use nigel slater books a hell of a lot. the rest out of a 50 use 3 times ayear perhaps
  6. what about a stew
  7. putting vineger on chips and curry
  8. I would say german gilde from hanover
  9. sheffield


    does any one outthere prefur american bud to czech bud I cant see it
  10. whats your faverite kolshbeer mayebe dom or kuppers let us know
  11. what on earth is in singha beer and do many people like it
  12. w arstiner from germany is fab budvar good to. but what about staraphramen
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