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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by PCL

  1. Okay... this has to happen eventually... maybe we can do another official event... by the way, I'm 'specialising' in the region for eGullet now...
  2. Was at the Ritz Carlton Chinese for lunch today. They do good dim sum. Very good dim sum. Enjoy. Then go over to Q-Bah at the Westin and blow more money on rum/wine/cigars.... good food there too... but drink... drink and drink more... and pay... and pay...
  3. If Chinese if your thing, then one should try Elegant in Puchong. Once again, refer to your concierges. The chef however, is currently on leave in Guangzhou, but the standard should have been maintained. Definitely an expense account only place for some, given astronomic prices due to the use of rare ingredients (as opposed to endangered species, but close!). Also, there is a new Italian place, called Neroteca, and it is surprise surprise, an enoteca. Good wine selection, knowledgeable staff ( a rarity in Malaysia at the moment ) who actually speak Italian, and lots and lots of pork... homemade salami, cotechino, culatello... the list goes on... It is in the Somerset Apartment building, in Changkat Bukit Bintang. If you're in that area... maybe pop into Frangipani's for a drink... Friday night is 'pink' night... nudge nudge wink wink... they also do food... expensive, chic... cool... or so the marketing material and buzz around town says. Interesting interior design though. Ask for directions from hipsters loping around the area. Finally, there's Atrium. Okay steaks, good drinks. They are located on Heritage Row, behind the Sheraton Imperial Hotel. The rest of the menu looks interesting enough, but they do have a good drinkies/snack menu. Try to get there for happy hour in the late afternoon early evening where jugs of Cuba Libre featuring Havana Club can be had for a pittance...like RM40.00 or so... but you would do well to remind them to add lime juice to the mix, or better still, ask for fresh lime wedges and DYI.
  4. One should try Cilantro at the MiCasa, your concierge should be able to direct you through the labyrinth that is KL or at best, get you a decent cab. The chef is Japanese and in my opinion, they do the best fine dining in KL at the moment in terms of product quality, refinement, interest and etc. You should be able to get into Cilantro tonight, or tomorrow and your hotel is actually quite close to MiCasa. Lots of pretension and okay but not quite good places but some architect foodies I know well say that the chef at 3rd floor, while once a Tetsuya's cook, the food does not reflect the legacy of the great institution. Also, the chef also once worked at Cilantro, so you might do better to get to the fount rather than sipping from the cusp.
  5. Thanks Shin... you're a godsend...
  6. That's $19/hour right? Should be okay in a restaurant...
  7. I've just finished work on a Cuban themed bar and grill. The selection of rums is pretty damn good for somewhere in SE Asia, Borneo to be exact. We have Havana Club Anejo Blanco all the way to the 7 or 8 year old, Ron de Santiago, some Cachaca's and soon, Matusalem. For the opening night, 2 drinks were the most popular, Mojito's and Cuba Libres... all made with Havana 3. With rum and coke, you must have lime, just a squeeze of a quarter wedge with the whole lot chucked in.... in a tall glass, lots of ice... I know 'cos I watched a Cuban make it...
  8. The Webber hooded gas fired units rock.
  9. Adam, and all of you chile people out there... just go to your local nursery and check out what varieties they have on sale. Chillies grow really well in Melbourne and the nurseries are stocked full with ALL KINDS. I've been following the chillie threads for a while and for some stupid reason, never chimed in. One good nursery to check out and I hate to say this due to my pre-disposed hatred of highway side mega stores... go to Gardenworld on Springvale Road. There is also the Art Nursery on Brunswick St Fitztory. And for smokers, kettles... Weber's are available easily or just go to Mitre 10 or Home Hardware, buy the bits and pieces and make your own. You're back in Oz now, let your DIY juices flow.
  10. Pat, Call your local council and ask when the next 'hard rubbish' day is. You'll need to dismantle the gas bottle from the unit. You can probably take the bottle to your local 'servo' or petrol station to some, and exchange it for a new unit. Conversely, ring the salvos and they might want to pick it up. Otherwise, there is a collection centre in Victoria St, Richmond, not far from Albert Park, or even in St Kilda somewhere. Also, I feel I should elaborate... a Hibachi is not a hooded unit, in fact, its just a generic name for a coal fired (either real coal, or briquettes) unit made of steel generally, with a grill on top. It's a Japanese term. If you're after a BBQ unit, go to Meyer or David Jones. Sounds a little counter intuitive when there are things are Ray's Outdoors and BBQ Galore shops littered across the Nepean Hwy (also not far from Albert Park) but I've found that after sales service from those places are crap and Meyer or David Jones will do a price match in any case. Finally, for choice of unit, for me, I'd go for a Weber. If too pricey, the Beefmaster range produces solid results.
  11. I'm going to chime in and say a whole fish is probably not going to work as the entire point of a fish head curry is to get into the maw and gelatinous protein bits such as the lips and squidgy bits that hold the head together. The kinds of fishes used in Singapore and Malaysia are generally reef fish, and a good size, like a junior sized soccer ball is minimum. Tuna heads have been used to good effect in Australia and I believe Spanish Mackerel heads too.
  12. they do a marvellous example of the dish. making me homesick now. but not quite sure where home really is at the moment.
  13. You're on!!! In KL at the moment for some R&R and heading off again Saturday, but should be back in about 2 weeks after a stint in Hong Kong / China. Waistline is holding up remarkably well. And it's not quite hawker food, but had the excellent beefball and 'ngau-chap' noodles in the old part of KL near the Hong Kong Bank the other night after stepping off the plane... been eating there since day dot.. My dad used to eat there as a young lad...
  14. um, 3rd outlet dude... vue, cafe, then bistro... like laundry, then bouchon, then per se... three... must be a lucky number thing... agree Shin... but i just took keller 'cos his name came up first in my mind... i'm still dreaming about what could have been with my one chance at getting a spot at the laundry... another story for another time...
  15. And the show continues... Looks like Bennett is following in Keller's footsteps with the multiple outlet thing...
  16. You might also want to try the Jewish / Continental delis in Carnegie, Oakleigh, Glenhuntly.
  17. I am so jealous... was this an 'official' eG outing??? 'Cos if it was, I'm kicking myself for not paying closer attention... I am in KL a hell of a lot these days... chances are... nevermind... Now, re: the hokkien mee... I've been eating from those guys, who are the absolute maestros of the art... since I was a little kid...
  18. ....Getting homesick here... I'm currently running around SE Asia and Europe... been eating my way thru Italy, Indonesia, and Hong Kong... but like the song goes... Anyways.. I reckon Melbourne's got the vote here... we're real!!!
  19. Question back at you dan... how was it when you went? Good, fair, middling, poor?... Must have left an impression however, no? Never heard of it myself although there is a Coyote something or another in Perth and they serve awesome Mojitos.... though not...quite... mexican...
  20. I was stuck in Rome overnight last weekend, and a Friday night it was too. The airline was kind enough to put us stranded travellers up in the Hilton at the airport, along with a buffet lunch and dinner set up. No way was I going to confine myself to that when one has been gifted a free night in the Eternal City. So I consulted eG. Saw this thread, realised that St. Teodoro ain't that far from where the hotel courtesy bus dropped us off near the Teatro Marcello. To put it bluntly, I had an appalling experience at the Trattoria. The staff were condescending and tried to recommend all the most expensive things on the menu and even some items which were not on the menu such as Parpadelle con Scampi, which excuse me, it's summer, and um, I'm in Rome, why would I want to eat seafood? So when I ordered the cold soup, la zuppetta di pomodoro.. and then changed my mind to the shredded pig's feet, spalla di maiale... I was told by the facetious prick of a waiter that I couldn't as the soup was already made... I mean, 30 seconds after he walked away from my table... So I mustered up and became as blunt as possible, clipping my words (in Italian) and suggesting that seeing as it was a cold soup, of course it was made already, and if they didn't mind, I would like the pork instead and if they had a problem with it, they should take it elsewhere as there was a nice little osteria down the way where I was sure would be more than welcoming seeing as half the city's restaurants were shut due to summer holidays... he resisted and I then asked for the manager who was more than accomodating... Anyhow, a short adventure in Rome, my first time in Rome since 3 years ago, and for heaven's sakes I should have headed to Agusterello instead... So much for trying something new, and at the same time I'm sorry I couldn't provide a more positive update as the food was truly mediocre... I watched the plate carefully when it arrived for goobers and loogies and the like
  21. My experiences with New Zealand cheeses has only been limited to the supermarket packaged kind, namely of the Mainland variety... I bought a wedge of parmesan, after watching a commercial... it was pretty much inedible for me. Now, I must qualify why I haven't ventured out and tried more goodies from NZ... simply because what's been available in Australia recently that's locally made has been pretty damn good. I mean, take humble goats' cheese for example, from Meredith, Victoria, incidentally, the home of the greatest music festival in world!!!
  22. Let's see.. what do you do dude? Like skills? Cuisine? I mean, we're quite versatile in Australia, and it won't be difficult to find work as a cook. Literally in Melbourne at the moment there is a shortage. But please be more specific.
  23. This is very interesting. The prices have not fallen much, if at all, back in Australia last time I looked. I've been away a couple of months now. What is generally available over the Americas? Are we talking the names, like Blass, Penfolds, Annie's Lane... see, these are things I've been tending to avoid. Back home, I was drinking mainly wines from smaller producers which I've posted here before.
  24. As a Chinese who frequents Italy, I can say quite definitively that I've never ever eaten Chinese food, or what some people claim passes for the stuff, in Italy. Fido dido... like the name by the way, reminds me of 7up... Maybe you could elaborate on the types of dishes/meals/experiences you actually had. I am in no great hurry to eat Chinese food when I'm in Italy (pretty much feel the same way when I'm in say, Shanghai)... but m curiosity has been piqued.
  25. Good and bad opinions wanted... Shiewie, would you mind elaborating on Jake's? I've heard good things about Chalet. It's a Swiss type restaurant isn't it?
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