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Everything posted by Anchobrie

  1. I've always be in love with the flat ones. To me they are the tastier. Always great because my older bullyer brother use to prefer the one bone drumsticks (not he has growth as an adult eater and seems to prefer flats too according to my mother)
  2. They are hunted in many states, tases much better than swans and better to munch, but certainly not nearly as good as white-fronted geese.
  3. Cygnet wasn't that bad the last time I had it. Of course, not on my top list, but much better than an intensive raised "average" chicken.
  4. Use to bought it in a toothpaste shaped tube when I lived up there. Wonderful idea to bring to hikes as you just spread what you need and close it with the lid, nothing to mess around as with tins.
  5. Salted cod, once desalted and cooked "al pil-pil" (a basque way) is arguably the best way to eat cod.
  6. Anchobrie

    Lunch 2024

    Love the name (and how it looks).
  7. I'll have Christmas eve with my parents, so I am guessing some glass eels, home made foie, and some caviar as starters. Then Scarlet shrimps, and as main dish cannelloni stuffed with duck, foie and porcini. We'll drink just champagne.
  8. Anchobrie

    Lunch 2024

    Taco teal!
  9. Anchobrie

    Dinner 2024

    albacore salad. Simple and effective. Really good albacore belly.
  10. Just watched, and well, it is her opinion, just another opinion. Like mine is. Some bits I agree, even , I could mercy a 40% agreement... if she didn't jumped into the childish men/women differences...
  11. I';ve done someting similar but with sprats (that adds the smoky scent) and it is a winner dish.
  12. What are you waiting for? Just open it
  13. Nice collection of some of the grossest dish presentations I've ever seen. I could say some of them are just a really bad idea, or really ugly, other, I guess, they were simply non edible... BTW, I've seen a few times slate properly used, but others awfully, like when using as vessel or a fatty/liquid'ish food.
  14. OMG now I need to get goat or suckling goat meat asap!
  15. Can ypu please redirect me to some post where acidulated water ia deacribed or so? Thanks!!
  16. Rennet essentially remains in the whey so it is present in very limited amounts in the final cheese, but it is enough to generate concerns for those who don't want to enjoy dead animal products in their food. That's why it makes rennet-made cheese "not vegan" or "not vegetarian", but it is ok for "flexi..." or whatever terminology is correct to define those who does not negate all animal based products the right to be digested inside their stomachs (I often got lost, in case of doubt and need, I would directly ask regarding the product as much specific as I can )
  17. Not sure if I understand you properly, but there are hips of non cute/cuddly, magestic, or marketeable animal species that are protected by law. Including species with the potential to kill us, like some spiders, snakes and so on...
  18. Anchobrie

    Sea Hare

    The pictures don't look sea hares at all.
  19. Pretty easy to find around Oslo supermarkets at my time there over a decade ago. Otherwise. I have look for it in other countries to no avail. It is really nice, I have wondered for a long time why it is not so much readily available
  20. I have look for the best ranked one using google lens, and well, guess what? only one matched image, from this forum (probably your pic too? didn't check) At least I found the second one re-branded as "totole" readily available at Amazon. I keep it on a list, but I'll have an extra look for the top one to see if I can find it.
  21. Anchobrie

    Dinner 2024

    And thanks for letting know. I'll fish for it in amazon and try it!
  22. Anchobrie

    Dinner 2024

    Teal in "escabeche" (plus two legs of wood duck)
  23. I sharp mine with wet stones.
  24. Anchobrie

    Dinner 2024

    In Australia you never Lamb alone. (Are they still making australia lamb day videos?)
  25. Anchobrie

    Dinner 2024

    light one for today... Roasted spuds, fried egg and some escabeche from a "escabeched" teal. [img]https://i.imgur.com/OoEuD5h.jpg[/img]
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