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TDG: Rabbi Ribeye: Schmaltz & Pornography

Fat Guy

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Happy Birthday Rabbi! Go treat yourself to some schmaltz... :laugh:

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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Have a habbi, Rabbi!

I made a batch of chicken spaghetti (for 50) the other night. All vegetable matter was sauteed in schmalz. It was delicious. Looking forward to more reading.

Brooks Hamaker, aka "Mayhaw Man"

There's a train everyday, leaving either way...

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Rabbi, on this most awe-spicious occasion ...

Behold, I bring you good tidings of Southern Comfort and Almond Joy ..

and just a bit of non-haiku birthday poetry ...

Another birthday?

be of good cheer!

Drop that schmaltz

live one more year!

(optional last line? Burma Shave..)

Melissa Goodman aka "Gifted Gourmet"

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You guys are such a hunka-hunka burnin' nachas! Thanks for your kind birthday wishes. You have become such a wonderful bunch of new friends!

Just got back yesterday evening from Ann Arbor, visiting with Joey, Jess and baby Sim (my sweet Shimon'del, named after my late father). Many delights including things culinary:

Joey made a wicked gravlax, binding the curing slurry with cognac, smooth like Shimon'del tiny round tush. For Shabbos lunch he made a nonpareil, however bowel-irritating, cholent. You're gonna hafta take my word for this, but meatless for a vegan friend, and you did not miss the flanken at all. I contributed my (actually, Rebbetzin Silver's) jakoi for the top. You'll hafta read my forthcoming epistle on cholent for the details.

Saturday evening we took respite from Jewish cuisine. I made glazed red cabbage and fuji apples, a sweet potato puree with crisped onions and candied pecan bits, a most delicate piece of grilled sea bass and a simple tomato-vidalia-basil salad drizzled with balsamic.

Ate twice at Zingerman's. Those of you who know the place will agree that it is indescribably, closest to a smaller version of Zabar's, but college-town funky and philosophically akin to early Ben and Jerry's. The balabos, Ari Weinzweig, a fellow Chicagoan and complete mensch, has written a great book on choosing and working with finer ingredients -- worth the investment. AND, he is an eGullet reader!

Enough self-indulgence and sanctimony. Back to the humility of folding the wash.

A freilachen, lichtigen Chanukah to everyone!

- Kugelman

"A worm that lives in a horseradish thinks it's sweet because it's never lived inside an apple." - My Mother

"Don't grow up to be an educated idiot." - My Father

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Funny, as I clicked on this thread after last having seen the Rabbi's colorful and vibrant writing, I was wondering if I'd ever understand everything he said. I have to admit I got all farblondzhet. Earlier I considered cutting and pasting his text and sending it off to a good Jewish friend of mine for translation (I'm the sandak of her twin boys-- ask me about the "doubleheader" bris someday, oy vey). But now, since you offer... I'd love a translation.

Specifically (pronunciations would be good too):








Also, what is the deal with Rebbe/Rebbetzin? They seem like forms of Rabbi, but I'm not sure.

Sorry, don't mean to be a nudnick. :laugh:

peak performance is predicated on proper pan preparation...

-- A.B.

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The Rebbetzen is the Rabbi's Wife. A former next door neighbor of mine was a female rabbi. She said the running joke amongst her and her other female collegues at school was:

If the Rabbi's wife is the Rebbetzen, what do you call the (female) Rabbi's HUSBAND?


"Doctor, if she's lucky!"

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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The Rebbetzen is the Rabbi's Wife. A former next door neighbor of mine was a female rabbi. She said the running joke amongst her and her other female collegues at school was:

If the Rabbi's wife is the Rebbetzen, what do you call the (female) Rabbi's HUSBAND?


"Doctor, if she's lucky!"

Thanks for the info. Very helpful.

Oh yeah, and what is/are "gribenes"? And how is it pronounced?

peak performance is predicated on proper pan preparation...

-- A.B.

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Sorry for any confusion. I'd tell the longer (zzzzzz) story, but suffice to say that I typically revert to waxing romantic with Yiddishisms when I feel particularly comfortable -- and talking with nice, appreciative people about the cuisine that I love is about as comfortable as I get. To the point:

nachas = NAH-khes = pride (especially the type you get from grandchildren)

cholent = CHO-l'nt = (you'll just have to wait for my forthcoming column!)

flanken = FLAHN-kin = short ribs

jakoi = JAH-koy = (kin to cholent, you'll just have to wait for my forthcoming column)

balabos = bal-a-BUS = master of the house, major domo

freilachen = FRAY-lakh'n = happy

lichtigen = LIKH-ti-gehn = radiant

"A worm that lives in a horseradish thinks it's sweet because it's never lived inside an apple." - My Mother

"Don't grow up to be an educated idiot." - My Father

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Sorry for any confusion.

No problem whatsoever. I only wish I was more knowledgeable. I could go for some flanken right about now.

I'm more freilachen now that I understand.

But what about the gribenes?

Edited by Al_Dente (log)

peak performance is predicated on proper pan preparation...

-- A.B.

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balabos = bal-a-BUS = master of the house, major domo

The good Rabbi would like to have you believe, that the balabos is the master of the house, when we all the know that it is the balabosta, his wife, who truly rules the roost. :laugh:

"Some people see a sheet of seaweed and want to be wrapped in it. I want to see it around a piece of fish."-- William Grimes

"People are bastard-coated bastards, with bastard filling." - Dr. Cox on Scrubs

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Al, I believe the gribenes are the pieces of fried skin left over when making the schmaltz.

I figured, but wasn't sure if it included the fried onions and the all important question as to how crispy those fried pieces are ideally.

peak performance is predicated on proper pan preparation...

-- A.B.

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balabos = bal-a-BUS = master of the house, major domo

The good Rabbi would like to have you believe, that the balabos is the master of the house, when we all the know that it is the balabosta, his wife, who truly rules the roost. :laugh:

And this you think I don't know? :laugh:

peak performance is predicated on proper pan preparation...

-- A.B.

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But what about the gribenes?

Actually, I've always wondered about the pronunciation of this as well.

Is it GREE-bins or GRIB-ness like Crib-ness?

Some help with this quandry would be nice.

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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With written permission from the author, I will post this very helpful link:

Yiddishkeit Glossary

This is an amazingly thorough site that has almost any Yiddish expression you might wish to translate. The site author, Mr. Michael D. Fein, tells me that they are working on an upgraded version which will allow searching in both English and Yiddish. However, he and his partner do this in their "spare time", so the upgrade might be a short wait. Nonetheless, it is a treasure trove of Yiddish expressions, and there is a newsletter and forum as well. The newsletter has several thoughtful articles and very fine writing to boot. Not bad for a stumbled upon Google find!

With my sincere thanks to Michael Fein.

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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Molly O'Neill devotes a whole page in her New York Cookbook to praising the wonders of "Schmaltz and Gribeness", specifically as found at a particular NYC restarant.

Memorable quotes:

"My customers know what they are doing. When they book a table here they book a bed a St. Vincent's Hospital at the same time."

"Delicious on bread or, listen to this, with gribeness and chopped liver and black radish and a little chopped onion, which is what I refer to as a Jewish Casear salad, because waiters make it at the table."

"It's dietetic, eat schmaltz and you won't be eating again for a couple of days."

There's a recipe on the following page of the book.



"Epater les bourgeois."

--Lester Bangs via Bruce Sterling

(Dori Bangs)

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"Delicious on bread or, listen to this, with gribeness and chopped liver and black radish and a little chopped onion, which is what I refer to as a Jewish Casear salad, because waiters make it at the table."

Man, that sounds good. What restaurant?

peak performance is predicated on proper pan preparation...

-- A.B.

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Happy Erev Chanukah, Kinderlach!

Had the honor of playing Santa last night for a buncha homeless kiddies in Anderson, SC. (Linda is Program Director for the Upstate Homeless Coalition.)

You cannot imagine the nachas.

OK, OK, it was a mitzvah. Forgeddaboutit.

But, hokey smokes, Bullwinkle, you shoulda seen THE SPREAD! Wumma! Incredibly Southern with the most at-home soulful under/over-tone --

Oy, the turkey (they'd never be caught dead eating that nouveau deep-fried crapola)

OK, the ham

The myriad variety pecan-crowned sweet-potato casseroles

Likewise the cornbread stuffing

The REAL potato salad (step aside Zabar's)

The REAL chopped slaw (ditto)

The yellow-squash casseroles

The every-imaginable-genus-of-sweet-pickled-veggies

The drown-me-momma gravy

The marshmallow-studded sweet-potato pie

The insulin-stat pecan pie

This two-foot deep goo, Trifle a la Lulu Roman

. . . oy . . . oy . . . oy . . . ah . . .ah . . . AH!!! :rolleyes:

(Interpolate your own assumption here.)

Alas, the vision alone had to suffice. For, Santa must remain in character so as not to disillusion these already badly disillusioned kiddies. After all, do you ever see Santa doff his hat, roll up his sleeves, bare his hammy arms and mess his beard with biscuits and red-eye gravy? Hell, he even eats his milk and cookies when no one is looking.

Then again, I do have incriminating pix of these bootylicious mommas cuddling up on Santa's lap . . . but only after the kiddies had their turn. Take that, Jacko!

So, I consoled myself by coming home, washing the white gook out of my nearly white beard and eating half a tray of the most excellent simple, understated chocolate fudge . . . and woke up this morning with a fasting blood sugar of 300.

Sic semper Santa.

Edited by Rabbi Ribeye (log)

"A worm that lives in a horseradish thinks it's sweet because it's never lived inside an apple." - My Mother

"Don't grow up to be an educated idiot." - My Father

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Happy Erev Chanukah, Kinderlach!

Had the honor of playing Santa last night for a buncha homeless kiddies in Anderson, SC. (Linda is Program Director for the Upstate Homeless Coalition.)

You cannot imagine the nachas.

OK, OK, it was a mitzvah. Forgeddaboutit.

But, hokey smokes, Bullwinkle, you shoulda seen THE SPREAD! Wumma! Incredibly Southern with the most at-home soulful under/over-tone --

Oy, the turkey (they'd never be caught dead eating that nouveau deep-fried crapola)

OK, the ham

The myriad variety pecan-crowned sweet-potato casseroles

Likewise the cornbread stuffing

The REAL potato salad (step aside Zabar's)

The REAL chopped slaw (ditto)

The yellow-squash casseroles

The every-imaginable-genus-of-sweet-pickled-veggies

The drown-me-momma gravy

The marshmallow-studded sweet-potato pie

The insulin-stat pecan pie

This two-foot deep goo, Trifle a la Lulu Roman

. . . oy . . . oy . . . oy . . . ah . . .ah . . . AH!!! :rolleyes:

(Interpolate your own assumption here.)

Alas, the vision alone had to suffice. For, Santa must remain in character so as not to disillusion these already badly disillusioned kiddies. After all, do you ever see Santa doff his hat, roll up his sleeves, bare his hammy arms and mess his beard with biscuits and red-eye gravy? Hell, he even eats his milk and cookies when no one is looking.

Then again, I do have incriminating pix of these bootylicious mommas cuddling up on Santa's lap . . . but only after the kiddies had their turn. Take that, Jacko!

So, I consoled myself by coming home, washing the white gook out of my nearly white beard and eating half a tray of the most excellent simple, understated chocolate fudge . . . and woke up this morning with a fasting blood sugar of 300.

Sic semper Santa.

This brought tears to my eyes, and a smile to my heart. :rolleyes:

Just think so close to the bithday celebration of he who was one of us. The chosen ones we have had the opportunity to observe a true "Mitzvah", and learned thru observation and deep thought that it's very likely the the real "Santa Clus", was possably also Jewish, maybe even a lonzman [spelling?] doing the good deed to bless the children of the world on a special occasion. How else could you keep the Beard White with all the temptations.

Really this was a wonderfull occasion that you've shared with us all.

"Ess Guzuntah Height" [Eat in Good Health] for tonight and the next 8 nights for Chanukah. Enjoy the Childrens Glow and savor your Schmaltz.


I don't say that I do. But don't let it get around that I don't.

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