@Shelby, I have the Anchor Hocking measuring cup set (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) that @rotutsmentioned up above.
(Correction: See below. Mine are actually Anchor Hocking Fire-King)
I've had them for years and I really like them. They are glass but they nest/stack together really well so they are fairly space-saving. I put them through the dishwasher all the time and the numbers/markings haven't faded at all.
Edited to add:
Mine are Anchor Hocking Fire-King. Not all say "Fire-King" on them and I think they may be better made than the plain Anchor Hocking ones.
Here are the ones I have (eG-friendly Amazon.com link).
On the Amazon Canada site, one woman said:
"Love these measuring cups!
This is my third set of Anchor measuring cups. I only need to replace them every 20 years or so because the measuring lines eventually fade from being washed in the dishwasher."
Edited again to add: Not sure why the individual ones are so pricey on Amazon USA. I can buy that set at the local Canadian Tire store for $20. So, if you are interested in them, I would suggest shopping around. Or check out the Amazon site more carefully than I did, ha.