My breakfast this morning was a piece of buttered and coffee to take the rest of my meds with. Since then I've been nibbling on snackage. I've been mostly out of the cabin this morning so I have no idea what my Sweetie has eaten. I've already mentioned her pain issues. They dictate when she is able to sleep. Right now she's sleeping so I can't ask her about her breakfast.
The following pictures show why we doubt we're have a fresh trout dinner this year. California is experiencing the first severe drought year in a few years.
The lake is at 7,200' elevation. This sawtooth ridge separates this valley from the northwest corner of Yosemite. In May there should be more snow than rock visible.
This is where we most typically fish. The rocks just below the ledge with the rod holder should be under water.
The water should extend to the line of trees in the distance.
I had to walk over to near the tree line to show where water from Upper Twin Lake is flowing into Lower Twin. I should be neck-deep in water where I stood to take this picture.