That burnt sugar taste of caramilized sugar can work very well in your praline paste. Try it again once your filling is in a bonbon or used with other pastry components and see how you like it. After that, evaluate the flavor and decide if you want the next batch of caramel to be cooked more or less.
At this years eGullet Chocolate workshop, many of us in the master class made praline as one component for a recipe. Each group took their nuts and caramel to a different degree of cook. I sampled a few of them as praline and in the bonbon -- the results surprised me -- the praline I liked the best on its own was not my favorite bonbon. The one that I thought worked best as a bonbon was the one I thought was way too caramilized/burnt as a praline. The bonbon that was made with that just under burnt praline had the best flavor -- the nut flavor came thru and the bitter balanced very well with the sweet chocolate. Of course, this is just my opinion & my taste buds. Everyone has their own favorite... there is no perfect thing that everyone will enjoy. Figure out what you like, share, and see how many share your preferences.