5 hours ago, patrickamory said:
That "Next" concept sounds like yet another dumbass move on the part of corporate... nobody is ever going to want to go to McDonald's for quasi-upscale (or even quasi-low-middlescale) dining. The whole point of McDonald's is cheap, tasty, probably unhealthy, probably drenched in MSG, fast food! Get back to doing that right and they could recapture a swathe of the market.
Losing the red and yellow... jeessh....
It probably won't fly in the USA. But it might work in Hong Kong and other places in Asia, India too maybe. There is a reason why they launched it in HK, not in some US city. Notions of what constitutes "Western Desirability" might differ from what that may or may not be in the USA. As it is, the initial reports seem to indicate the new places are quite popular in HK.
ETA: Remember that McD earns money in many more markets than the USA. The East Asian markets, for that matter, have LOTS OF MONEY available for spending. Here's one chart to remind us that McD earns twice as much in the ROW than it does in the USA.