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  1. Here in Canada, i saw the barefoot contessa for the first time last night is she wanting to be Nigella Lawson or is it just me???
  2. Anyone travelling from Toronto???
  3. This is an interesting thread, good debate. Sandra, I think it's excellent that you've been able to pursue an education that is important/pleasurable. I must agree with Lesley though and state that you've missed one point. There is no reason why anyone who has the funds necessary be denied access to LCB. I think it's excellent that you have the choice. Not everyone has the choice. The question is how accessible the LCB school is to people of various socio-economic status. It's not positive that anyone should have to sacrifice a life's savings to go to this school. The school itself should examine how accessible it is, and how to make itself more accessible. For example, as Lesley stated, subsidies for those who cannot afford the full tuition. In my opinion, the important question is not "why" you're in the school (for home cooking or professional cooking) but "who" is allowed in? If the answer is: "only people with money", that is not equitable access.
  4. Hi egulleteers i've just stumbled across this thread for the first time. Warmest congratulations to those working towards goals that are important to them. I would jump on an egullet eating plan. Please let me know if I can be of help. I'm a social worker/counselor, have done groups on self acceptance, body love, self esteem etc. let me know if you need assistance with the "support and motivation" side of the program
  5. A divergence of opinion is IMHO always important to embrace. I should begin by stating that I have had very little exposure to restaurants of the highest end. (the reasons why would be an interesting discussion on another thread: socio-economic status, race, culture, etc). Nonetheless, it makes sense to me that there would be varied opinions on a restaurant with a reputation of excellence. People like different foods/styles/decors for different reasons. I think I can assume that high end diners are not a homogeneous group, with multiple motivations for favouring one restaurant over another. Then again, maybe there ARE common threads among fine diners (ex: tolerance for only the finest ingredients) that would make a convergence of opinions more likely; suggesting then that they are diverging for reasons other than the food (ex: 1) ideas about/loyalties towards the "star chef" and what he/she represents? 2) notions about the self and what it means for the self to eat at a certain restaurants? (ex: "I've eaten at the French Laundry therefore I am/have/represent x, y, z etc...") It's a good question
  6. My appetites for all things disappear in hot weather. Sometimes I wonder if it's because i just do less in hot weather (no air conditioning), so doing less= less energy expended=less appetite.
  7. I wanted to die the last time I took a friend for dim sum while she was visiting Toronto. As plate after plate was graciously offered, she bent down, scrunched up her nose, moved it around with her chop sticks and :eww, what's in that? I love her but wanted to kill her.
  8. Although I am not a chef, I'm an avid consumer and I grew up in the restaurant business. When I want to eat food my way, I cook and eat at home. When I go out to a restaurant, the pleasure and intention is to enjoy something made by someone else, not according to my personal specifications (obviously, I'm not alluding here to folks with health/allergic concerns)
  9. Peppermint Patties, Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge brownie, garlic mash potatoes, spaghetti and meat balls, my mom's orzo with just butter and salt...the list could go on...
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