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Everything posted by Nickos

  1. thanks a lot! here is the link for the food color http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Germany-imports-Edible-powder-purple-color-Handmade-chocolate-fondant-cake-baking-decoration-Arts-food-grade-powder/32727622920.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.69.7a9e3489nwVLiL&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_5735120_319_317_10696_10924_453_10084_454_10083_10618_5735220_10920_10921_10304_10922_10307_10820_10301_10821_537_536_5734920_10843_10059_10884_10887_100031_321_322_10103_5730820_5729920_5735020,searchweb201603_51,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=8ebb0aad-d519-4ab7-ad8a-bb388417cfdd-9&algo_pvid=8ebb0aad-d519-4ab7-ad8a-bb388417cfdd
  2. Thanks! make sure your cacao butter Is in temper. and we use a airbrush. so that works perfect.
  3. Thanks! from legt to right coconut/mango passion fruit/raspberry/port cinnamon/caramel hazelnut milk chocolate
  4. Enjoy the weekend guys, that we can make a lot of chocolates.
  5. New bonbons, and shooted with some new gear.
  6. Nah i used my chocolate on 31-32 degrees
  7. No read again, hè says the fragments like that are from over tempered, “or not tempered and thats where you are”
  8. Found the solution,
  9. In my house iT is around 24 degrees at the moment.
  10. Pffff getting so frustated.. sometimes my cacao butter sticks to my mould. how the hell is that possible? i use a airbrush and heat up my cacao butter to 38-stir down to 32-33 and airbrush. Can somebody help please?
  11. Hi pastry fanatics i am looking for a Recipe for a thin cookie to put in a bonbon. did someone ever tried this? Or can someone help me with this? many thanks!!
  12. Rocky road filled with Marshmallow•white chocolate crunch•hazelnut•pure chocolate ganache
  13. Host's note: this fine first post and gfron1's response were moved here from another topic. Hi everyone, im new to this topic. i am Nick from the netherlands, and started My company about a year ago. here is Some of my latest work.
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