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  1. Could I possibly get a recipe for that? Or is it just a “throw together” thing?
  2. Thank you! They’re food colored white chocolate.
  3. This doesn’t look as professional as I’d like, but my nephew liked it. Made for his 8th birthday! Vanilla buttermilk cake, with cocoa cream cheese frosting, and homemade marshmallow fondant.
  4. And it went pretty well! I used Meathead’s instructions, and it took around 9-10 hours!
      • 11
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  5. Here’s today’s bake. Peach Strusel bars from the latest issue of Bake From Scratch.
  6. Hah! Sorry. I completely forgot about this. My bad. Anyway, I’m in southern Ohio, and never see it anywhere.
  7. Here’s our 4th of July desert. Chocolate Mayo cake with Divinity icing from “Southern Cakes” by Nancie Mcdermot!
  8. Matthew.Taylor

    Dinner 2024

    I used the instructions from Meathead Goldwyn’s book. Cook on indirect heat until around 110 degrees F. Then put it on direct heat until around 130 F. I left it on longer than that (145 F) because I was uncertain, and Mom takes her steaks Medium.
  9. Matthew.Taylor

    Dinner 2024

    My first attempt at Tri-tip turned out really well!
  10. Matthew.Taylor


    Yeah, Weber. Three burners, front to back. Yeah, you can turn on just one if you want.
  11. Matthew.Taylor


    Ok, still planning on making this, but everything I’ve read calls for a 2-zone set-up. I know what that is, but my grill has 3 burners. I thought of turning the two on the outside on, while keeping the middle one off, would this work?
  12. Matthew.Taylor


    Probably gonna use Meathead’s recipe in his book. But I was thinking of a good seasoning or rub. What would be good in you guys eyes? Also is there a particularly good sauce to try with this?
  13. Ok, I have a leftover pork shoulder in our deep freeze, and I want to do something with it this summer. I was thinking slice it flat, put in a filling, roll it up, tie it up, and slow grill it. It’s just that I need a good filling for it. Anyone have any ideas?
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