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Everything posted by prashamk

  1. Currently weather in India isn't really very hot and hence one can keep most of the chocolates in any "cool" dry place. In summer months it needs to be stored in a refrigerator. Biggest problem in storing chocolate outside the refrigerator is that they shouldn't be allowed to touch each other or else it will loose its luster and look pretty dull. Thanks for the suggesting Pastry & Baking forum
  2. Hi, This is my first thread on this forum so please forgive me if I am breaking any of the forum rules. Like many other members, I too am fascinated by the brilliant looking Bon Bons. I tried colouring cocoa butter with liquid as well as solid colours but it didn't give desired result and finally I've ordered ready to use coloured cocoa butter. Now that I've taken care of it, I wish to know what all can be filled inside the Bon Bon? I fill my regular chocolates with various things like ganache, peanut butter, coconut, dried nuts and other stuff but I feel those are cheaper/simpler things which may not suit the expensive Bon Bons. I'd be glad if the experts can also point me to the recipe of the things they suggest. Regards Prasham
  3. Hi, I am Prasham from India. Since a while I've gotten into making decorative assorted chocolates. I love it and I want to learn how can I be better at it. I don't have any formal training but it couldn't stop me as internet was there to help me at every step. Found about this wonderful forum and I instantly fell in love with it. I hope to have a great time gaining valuable knowledge from the experts on this forum. Regards Prasham
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