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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by zilla369

  1. In my garde manger class, we spent a week on ice creams and sorbets and ended up with a lot of unusual flavors, some good, some not so good. Some of my favorites were brown sugar & creme fraiche ice cream, and a lovely, delicate grapefruit-and-tarragon sorbet.

    I made blood orange sorbet for my intermezzo course in the final for that class. Unfortunately, blood oranges were out of season at the time so i had to sort of cheat and use frozen blood orange syrup, but it was a fantastic ruby/purply color.

    Seen but not tasted: Michael Symon made beet ice cream on "Melting Pot"...looked tasty

    Also, i'm pretty sure i saw one of the Iron Chefs serve "Old Bay sorbet" during one of the seafood challeneges. I can't even imagine that tasting good.


  2. Well, i'll soon graduate from Sullivan, so i get to keep an eye on the food quality at Winston's. My advanced techniques class is held in there twice a week, and although i'm sort of tired of their menu, i will say again that my guests seem to always enjoy it.

    The B&B in question isn't "mine", i'm just an indentured servant there ;) - The Columbine, near the corner of third and Lee.

    Haven't heard any scuttlebutt about the Central Park Cafe. Here's hoping the staff doesn't dress in Shakespearian costume (for non-Louisvillians, Central Park is our local Shakespeare in the Park venue).

    Ron, i sent some guests of mine that were architecture buffs around your way last Sunday, they were duly impressed with the buildings in your "area".

    Let me know when you want to go to Winston's and i'll make sure you get properly taken care of!

  3. 20-year "Lou-a-vull" resident here. I'm the chef/innkeeper at a B&B in the historic homes part of town, near the university.

    I agree with most of Ron's suggestions, although it should probably be pointed out that Le Beaujolais recently closed.

    One restaurant i would add would be Winston's at the culinary school at Sullivan University. I send my guests there pretty often for dinner, and get consistently positive comments about it. Actually, i suspect nerissa might have been a recent guest of mine, since she put me onto this site in the first place. If so...thanks, nerissa!


  4. I discovered this very dark Bermuda rum while vacationing on the Atlantic Coast. Thank goodness, i managed to convince my local liquor store to stock it. It's semi-expensive, about $17 a fifth, but well worth the price.

    A family operation since 1860, Gosling's is "Bermuda's oldest business house and largest exporter of a Bermuda-made product", according to their website.

    If you like full-bodied, dark (it's almost black), full-flavored rums, i highly recommend this one! Fantastic for rum-banana waffles :cool:

    How telling; my first post is about liquor.


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