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Everything posted by Haley

  1. @curls the flavors were mercury: dark chocolate coffee ganache venus: bananas foster caramel earth: milk chocolate rosemary ganache mars: layered white chocolate cherry ganache and dark chocolate chipotle ganache jupiter: peanut butter saturn: salted caramel uranus: layered marshmallow and strawberry balsamic white chocolate ganache neptune: peppermint white chocolate ganache
  2. I did a box of 8 this year at Valentines (that’s all that would fit in my packaging) and they were so fun!
  3. I'm going to NYC in a couple weeks and I feel I need to do a little R&D for my chocolate making hobby 😉. Any chocolate shops that I should be sure to make it to? I live in a small town in Alabama, so anytime I go to a big city I try to seek out the chocolate shops, but there are so many in New York that I need to narrow the list to the ones that will blow me away. I'm most interested in bonbons, since that's mainly what I make, but I wouldn't turn down any chocolate dessert!
  4. I'm putting this on my calendar now! I can't wait to meet everyone and learn from real live people! So far I've been self-taught and I've been wanting to find classes that are above novice level, but also not super intimidating and this sounds like a great fit. I'm interested in learning to formulate new ganache and filling recipes, working with colored cocoa butter, and understanding the different flavors and accents in different couvertures and finding their best uses (ganache, molding, dipping, etc.) and flavor combinations that work well with specific chocolates. Mostly I just want to get tips and ideas and help from anyone else who is familiar with this niche market we are in!
  5. I really really wish I could, but my daughter has a dance recital that weekend so I won’t be able to make it.
  6. Hi everyone. I am new to the forums, but have been lurking (and learning so much) for a a few months now. I was so excited about how my Valentine's chocolates turned out this year that I had to share them. This was my first time using an airbrush so it was quite an adventure making these. But seeing (and tasting) the final product is so rewarding! Here are my "Out of This World" bonbons:Mercury: Espresso ganache Venus: Bananas Foster Caramel Earth: Rosemary Olive Oil Mars: Cherry Chipotle Jupiter: Peanut butter ganache Saturn: Salted Caramel Uranus: Marshmallow with Strawberry Ganache Neptune: Peppermint ganache
  7. I love pretty much everything culinary, from cooking to baking, and especially eating. I've been dabbling in making gourmet chocolates for the past few years. I am self-taught and found it hard to find much specific help on such a niche topic, until I came across the forums here. I have spent hours over the past few months pouring through the threads and have learned so much. I decided it was time to create my own account and become part of the discussions. Thanks for all the help so far!
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