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Everything posted by Rajala

  1. I've made some experiments with heating the moulds and I don't really notice any difference. Maybe it could be an issue if you're working space is really cold? Like 18° or so? Not sure. But I don't get more glossy chocolates by heating the mould before moulding.
  2. I found a way to buy some, but it was a whole pallet of ~450 kgs. A little bit too much. But I solved this in a different way, someone helped me and will ship from US.
  3. From what I gather it's also that the chocolate have the best taste at these temperatures. I don't think that cold is a problem per se, we know that there are companies that freeze their bonbons and thaw them later in the right conditions to prevent sugar bloom and fat bloom which also can occur under temperature fluctuations.
  4. Haha nice update. Yeah, it's something hot there, that's for sure.
  5. Looking good Jim! I like the approach with Orelys.
  6. Seems really hard to find these malt balls in Europe? Anyone from Europe lingering around that know where you can source these?
  7. How? Okay, I should probably just try to ask some local vendors if they can source it or so. I have no idea what they are called in Swedish, maybe a part of the problem.
  8. I've been thinking of these malted milk balls or maltballs or whatever we want to call them. Can you buy these pre made and then coat them or do you make them yourself? My google skills are failing my brutally on this subject.
  9. Second attempt went better. I still want to understand what went wrong with the first one though.
  10. There's cinnamon there for sure. Top layer is a caramel with browned butter and vanilla. Middle layer is a ganache made out of milk and dark chocolate with more browned butter, cinnamon, and vanilla as well. Bottom layer is the crispy part with Zéphyr caramel, browned butter, some extra cocoa butter, coconut oil and cinnamon bun crusts (not sure what to call it really), but they sell like dried cinnamon buns at the local store, so I just crushed them to pieces and blended it in.
  11. Yeah, it's super strange. I dunno what happened. I bought some more rhubarb now and will try again with all of it and run it with the immersion blender as you suggest.
  12. I planned to make a rhubarb "PDF", and this happened? Any ideas? The only think I can think of is that the rhubarb reacts with pectin some how, but like what? Everything just turned foamy. With that said, I just used the juice of the rhubarb and guess that plays part in this. I don't want the texture of all the "threads" in the rhubarb in my PDF. Don't have store bought purée at the moment.
  13. I'll join in with the rest here. I never work above 23°. It's currently 24° in the kitchen, so my rhubarb bonbon making need some AC help.
  14. I'm not sure, but with that said, I find the min cocoa % strange. The data I have say that Ruby contains 29,5% cocoa butter and 4,5% cocoa mass.
  15. What would you say is a normal amount of time it will take to temper 1 kg with the seeding method?
  16. I've done 1:1 with chocolate and cream, no problems. I guess the lecithin found in most chocolate will help with that as well. The AW reading is out the roof though.
  17. Looks great. I guess the black part is color in powder form? You gave me some inspiration for some upcoming "designs" - I have 30 recipes that needs some coloring. 😂
  18. Yeah, it's the very same mould many thought it was. The picture of the moulded chocolate on Chocolate Worlds website depicts another fish though, so it's really weird.
  19. No, that's not me haha. But with that said; that is indeed the mould. Chocolate World seems to have the wrong picture on their website. They have so many old images, they really need to fix their online store. I tried to help an acquainted to find the mould. So we were right all of us somehow? Thanks for trying to help, in the end she found it. Not that Instagram user but someone else. Seems like people in Sweden like that fish.
  20. Yeah, I only get that thin shells with like Zephyr or something that has like the lowest viscosity ever.
  21. Couldn't find anything from Pavoni, JKV had LOTS of stuff. Maybe one of those will work. But I would like to find this specific one, of course.
  22. Thanks, haven't checked Deco. I've seen at least two persons with this fish. I don't think it's custom made.
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