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Everything posted by Rajala

  1. I blast my molds with cocoa butter as well.
  2. Did anyone try to "extract" nut oil from a nut paste with this?
  3. Of course, you can find it here (but it's probably more a Swedish carrot cake more than anything haha): https://www.instagram.com/p/C3NDp6jMXv1/
  4. It's like 1127 miles to travel to get there
  5. Really? I really liked it, although I didn't use it much and I can understand it not being a huge seller.
  6. Let us know how it goes. I haven't tried making a PDF with the Thermomix jsut yet, even though I made one yesterday. Forgot about this haha. But I'm going to try one day! Btw, blood orange marmalade sounds delicious!
  7. I call it "Strawberry and cream" You can find the recipe here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C27gJJwisHs/
  8. For your visibility: I sent you a message with a link to the full recipe!
  9. For sure! He basically wrote the whole instructions available in the caption. But was just curious to see if anyone here had tried it. Feels like it would be pretty straightforward? https://www.instagram.com/p/Bhz7DUlgx7e/
  10. Has anyone tried to make a PDF with a Thermomix? I stumbled upon an ancient post by Kriss Harvey on Instagram, where he wrote about that. I find the concept interesting.
  11. Short answer: I don't. I don't remember the rules about sharing links to one's own social media etc here, but I can send you the recipe when I've published it in my channels.
  12. I can't think of any reason to do that. Like, I've done that when sealing a mold where the shells were filled with a super runny caramel to make sure the chocolate doesn't sink into the caramel - but for other reasons? I would like to know as well.
  13. I've always "over-tempered" it. But it's not like I've done it a lot haha. Maybe 5 times. Takes forever to dip them. I don't understand you who have the patience for it.
  14. Interesting. I hope the machine will reset itself when it's powered on again. If not, I would have an issue.
  15. Hehe, I've started to share all my recipes. What's the use if they're just in my notes forever? Yeah. I read something about flour and microorganisms. But it was out of context in terms of bonbons. So maybe it was just the regular "you need to think about x and y when it comes to shelf life".
  16. It's only heated a bit. But in the next test run, I'm going to roast the flour - thinking it will give off a better flavor.
  17. Yeah, I hear you. I've made those pipeable crunch layer for years, but they're basically moisture free. This filling is sugars, water, and fat in one. But maybe I'm just overthinking things here.
  18. I've been experimenting for some time with a "brownie" bonbon filling (the only trace of chocolate is in form of cocoa powder), that contains flour. Is there anyone with experience in terms of using flour in fillings and what to think about in terms of food safety? Is it considered safe as long as you keep an eye on everything as usual? I mean, there are baked goods that lasts for month, although with a lot of preservatives in them. The AW of the filling is 0.6229 - so on its own, it's pretty low.
  19. I was thinking of that, there's a STOP button. But not sure if that stop the process and release air back in. Will have to test I guess.
  20. I recently bought a chamber vacuum for other things, and thought about this. But I guess it won't work too well with one of those? Since it will release air back into the chamber? Maybe you can work with it somehow. Does anyone have any experience?
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