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  1. wrdstrn

    Name this grain.

    How did it taste? These grains look nice and distinct...sometimes when I've made barley it all clumps together in a soft mash, maybe too much water..
  2. Oh no! I had been meaning to go for a while. I love her other restaurant Lan Larb Soho. A bit disturbing to hear this info about mistreating workers..
  3. wrdstrn

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    http://thewoksoflife.com/2015/04/sticky-rice-with-chinese-sausage/ This blog never disappoints!!
  4. wrdstrn

    Dinner 2017 (Part 6)

    To take advantage of the beautiful weather on Saturday we took our early dinner upstairs Stirfried beans with pork, cabbage with pepper, and tomato mozz salad. Instead of the classic rice we tried millet. I may have overcooked a bit but the nutty flavour worked well.
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