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Everything posted by Pollux

  1. Some fancy Italian restaurants serve it in New York, such as L'Impero, or it may be kid.
  2. Mainly apples and pears. I dont know where you get all this fruit.
  3. Yes to me they never taste of anything.
  4. "He is, by professional standards (whatever you think of his recipes, his food or his delivery) neither a punk, nor a pretender. He put in his time " That was my point. No doubt he is a successful professional chef even if he doesn't cook much these days, and if you don't like the show don't watct. He's not an idiot.
  5. Truck driver. How do you account he has half a dozen successful restaurants and he's been a successful restaurant chef for years which I don't see with Alton Brown or even Tony Bourdain.
  6. A lot of driving is unnecessary, right?
  7. $200 a head is not difficult any more so I'm surprized.
  8. Pollux

    Vegetable oil

    Is that serious?
  9. Pollux

    Fromage a Trois

    are there any good American cheddars/
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