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Everything posted by jpyvr

  1. jpyvr

    Hot food cold

    Greek-style roasted potatoes. I can't say they're better cold than hot, but surprisingly they're just as fabulous. You know the kind...big wedges of peeled russets, tossed in a mixture of lemon juice, LOTS of olive oil, and oregano, and roasted along side a whole chicken. Serve 'em cubed then next day, on toothpicks, as canapes with drinks. Not much to look at, but a perfect accompaniment to aperitifs.
  2. I fondly remember a Chinese restaurant on Nanaimo Street here in Vancouver with the almost unbelievable moniker FOOK YUE. Unfortunately, due to the publicity it received when it was briefly closed down by the city health board a few years ago (its large neon sign made great fodder for newspapers and TV news reports), it sadly had to change its name. Funny thing is, I can't remember what the new name is. Didn't have that problem with the old one. See what a catchy name can do?
  3. I must report that like the Kiwis, Canadians use serviette in preference to napkin, its U-status notwithstanding. (That is unless they are French-speaking Canadians...for them, a serviette, depending on its size and location, can be used either for dabbing one's mouth at the table, or drying oneself after washing or bathing.)
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