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DJ Silverchild

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    Portland Maine

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  1. I have since learned this will happen with all silicone molds.
  2. Note: there is no cannabis in this candy. We are R&D hard candy and getting wierd surface bubbles. Could it be the heavy silicone mold? Any ideas or solutions?
  3. I want to make sure i understand this correctly: A melanger will crush coffee beans so fine theirtexture will be imperceptible in the final product. Whats the average capacity for a small unit? How long does this process take for 10 pounds at time? Thanks!
  4. My first plan is to make a flavoring that will not seize the chocolate. I have cold brew i will distill until all the moisture is gone. My second plan is to seep cocoa butter in coffee beans. Drewman i love that idea. MikanPotatoes: i am collaborating with a local coffee roaster. Question about the melanger. Im not making bean to bar. Can i use any chocolate in the machine?
  5. How can i make a coffee flavoring from scratch that won't seize chocolate?
  6. Agostoni
  7. Hello Fellow Forum Friends! I am in the cannabis industry and every batch of edibles must be tested for heavy metals. Here in Maine the standard for cadmium in chocolate is lower than european standards, .5mg/kg in Maine, .8mg/kg in Europe. We havent failed yet but came close last week, using the same brand of chocolate we had tested in previous batches. The company i consult for has concerns. While they LOVE the chocolate they are using, one failed batch could cost thousands so we need options. Does anyone know of a certified low cadmium chocolate?
  8. These look great!
  9. We do not use cannabutter and our pate comes out fine. It doesn't seem to effect anything
  10. Oops spell check changed deseeding to deserting
  11. Oh my god thank you. Thank you so much.ive I've scoured the internet for a year to figure out how deserting is done commercially. A few asked what this is for: I am trying to scale up my cannabis infused pate de fruit because for testing purposes small batches are cost prohibitive. We try to only use locally sourced fruit. Commercially prepared is really not something we want to avoid. (that said weather has caused such massive crop loss that might change this year). Currently we cast in a frame. We'd like to go to a small depositor from Lloynds and those choke on a seed.
  12. I need to deseed about 2000 pounds of raspberries and blackberries each year and will need to do strawberry next year. Using a sieve for 5 pounds at a time is a nightmare. Steam juicing is slightly easier but we can still only do 5-6 pounds at a time. I know there's a better way but over the last 6 weeks I've spent hours and hours on Google trying to figure out if such a machine exists and what it is called, and I'm stuck. What do jelly companies use? Does anyone have any ideas?
  13. We currently use a Chocovision and that's slow.
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