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    Madrid, Spain

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  1. I'm in the no poke camp too and never had this problem. Sometimes an egg or two cracks while cooking, other than my Instant Pot hard boiled eggs turn out perfect every time. These days I'm using this thing I bought from Amazon Spain (looks like its available in the US too): And I have reduced my cooking time since the last time I've posted here about it. Nowadays I'm doing: - 3min high pressure (Manual). - 3 min rest,. - Quick release. - Ice cold water bath for 10 min. The eggs are in the 60-65 grams range. Firm whites (not rubbery) and creamy yolks every time.
  2. Hola Chema, bienvenido.
  3. Oh, I see. Did't know that Stone Soup was a real thing. I always tought it was some kind of legend/saying: From Wikipedia: But it makes sense. In Spain (more exactly Navarra) we have a dessert: cuajada (curdled milk?) and it's made the same way, throwing a hot stone in a 'bucket' made from a hollowed tree trunk full of milk. The photo gallery in this page have some images of the process and the 'buckets' http://www.valledeultzama.com/dia-de-la-cuajada-valle-de-ultzama/
  4. Paul, looks very similar to what in Spain we call 'Cuencos de Calabaza', Google told me that these are gourd bowls in english. Found a couple of links on how to make them. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-clean-a-hardshell-gourd/?ALLSTEPS In Spanish (If you need help with the captions let me know): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ3qBNyjSdU Also I found this about Jicara. That sounds pretty similar to jacama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioVS-ZF9A34 I know that you say these are stone, but looking at your photo (there are some 'ribs' and what it looks like the base of the stem) I would dare to say that they are dried calabaza or jicara. Hope it helps.
  5. So simple and looks delicious. I know I'll be cooking this very soon.
  6. Steaming was my preferred method until I got the IP but pressured cooked eggs are easier to peel.
  7. Let us know how it works for you. I never had luck freezing red cabbage, every time I've tried ended up with a really soft (almost mushy) mess after reheating it.
  8. Lately I'm using the saute and/or slow cook functions of my IP more than the pressure ones. I just made some 'Pulpo en Escabeche' (hot pickled? octopus) I didn't thought of taking some photos, but here is the recipe: 500g Octopus cooked (boiled) legs. 1 big sweet onion. 2 bay leaves. 3 garlic cloves A few whole black peppercorns. 1 teaspoon (sweet). 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika (hot). 1 glass (200/250 cc) of water. 1 glass (200/250 cc) of white wine. 3/4 glass (150/175 cc) of vinegar. Pinch of dried thyme. 5/6 tablespoon of Olive oil. Salt. Saute (medium) the garlic cut in thick slices, bay leaves and peppercorns in the oil without allowing the garlic to brown. Cut the onion in thin wedges and then dice 1/4 of those (small). Add to the pot salt, and saute (medium) 15 min more or until soft (no browning). Turn off the IP. Let it rest a couple of minutes, add the paprika and mix it well with the warm oil until dissolved. Turn on the IP again, saute (medium) and when the oil starts to get hot add the wine (I like Barbadillo for this) and let it cook for 10 minutes more (no lid). Add water and vinegar (I used Sherry because I was out of white), cook it for five more minutes. Turn off the IP and let it rest for 5 min. You dont want to add the octopus when the escabeche is hot. Add the thyme (this is not traditional, but I love it). Cut the octopus's legs in thick pieces (1/1.5 cm) and add (the should be full submerged) them to the warm escabeche. When cool put in a container and keep it in the fridge. Wait until next day to eat (this is the hard part).
  9. I use the same method weekly (with the eggs on the steamer) and get perfect hard boiled eggs every time (as you can see here: )
  10. I've tried the 0 minutes steam method (using the low pressure setting) for broccoli and it works like a charm. Steam, quick release, shock in cold water = bright green and crunchy broccoli.
  11. Today I nailed the IP hardboiled eggs. This are medium size, around 60-65g each, free-range(-ish) eggs. After some experiments with diferent cooking and rest times from this thread I settled on 5 min low pressure and 9 min of natural release. Dump the egss in a salad bowl filled with cold water and leave it under the running faucet until the eggs are cold to the touch. After 15min of rest in the water: Perfect! Creamy yolk and no traces of the 'dreaded green ring from hell'. Happy holidays everyone!
  12. Same here (cumin is the main culprit in my case) I wouldn't worry.
  13. cta

    Codfish dessert

    Vasco, do you know about 'Buñuelos de Bacalao' (codfish fritters)? http://cocinandoentreolivos.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/bunuelos-de-bacalao-receta-paso-paso.html Maybe you can play with this idea and create some kind of sweet dounought/fritter. I like to cook bacalao with a sauce made with caramelized onion, cinnamon, white wine and dried fruit (prunes or apricots) and a little honey and I love the way this flavours work together. Toasted almonds, apple (a tart variety) can be good companions too.
  14. rotuts: The SS insert looks pretty similar to the one that cames with mi WMF Pressure Cooker. I have used it in the Instant Pot without any problem. I'm pretty sure is this one: http://amzn.to/1O3grGx
  15. I know, I'm not a big fan of deep-frying at home either. In this case I just ladle the oil through a strainer into a jar directly from the IP, and left just enough to cook the rest of the ingredients. Since the oil was only used to fry the eggplant it didn't get any flavour or smell. I'll keep the jar in a closet on top of the stove and I'll be using it to cook.
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