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Posts posted by butterchik

  1. I love the smell of unagi in the morning.

    My fellow Canadian co-worker got into mixing jam with his okayu, much to the disgust of the cafeteria staff.

    One particularily hungover morning we were mixing kimchee with rice, then laid slices of bacon on top and picked it up with chopsticks as small rolls.

    Must've still been drunk at the time (sake=evil :blink: )

  2. I place more value on culinary adventures than I do on fashion.  Although, I am one fashionable young man.  :P

    Word - although sorry pixelchef, can't back you up on your fashion sense (believe you, just don't know you).

    I rarely regret spending money on a luscious meal - and as a worker on the other side of the pickup counter it is always hard earned and almost always worth it. Perfect example, my recent meal at Tetsuyas in Sydney - $300 pp AUD ($200US) for 22 perfect dishes with 14 wines, a glass of port and tip. Considering I had the chance to speak with the ever gracious Tetsuya himself and left with a signed copy of his cookbook it was a bargain (although I think the cookbook essentially comes with the meal).

    The menu was very similar to one recently written about by Anthony Bourdain here

    Then there are the times you save and anticipate and are SO disappointed - like my tasting menu at Vong in London, where I paid almost 200 pounds for the privilege of finding porcelain shards in my spring rolls, eating undercooked foie gras and a soup so salty I couldn't manage more than two spoonfuls. The maitre'd comped most of the alcohol, which wasn't nearly enough damage control (I'm talking about multiple shards here) but he obviously didn't give a toss about a couple of Canucks on holiday. Soured me on all Vongreichten (sp?) establishments for good.

  3. Hung Fatt.

    Jinmyo - where did you see this? Hung Fatt was also the name of the Chinese neighborhood take out joint in Gloucester Ontario.

    Great place, rather unappetizing name, the Black Tomato in Ottawa. I have had beautiful "black" heirloom tomatoes before, but the image that springs to mind is the rotten one at the bottom of the box.

    And as for multipurpose places, heres one on Oxford Street, Sydney. Stop in for lunch, a shave and a sweet pair of chaps to show off your freshly massaged glutes!


  4. Definitely ikura - but that's because I am just a few weeks away from hauling in my first salmon of the season, can't wait...

    Also really like salmon soft roe - breaded in panko and fried like little nuggets. Sperm McNuggets, as the joke goes in the kitchen. Some of our guests are less easily amused.

    Anyone tried this?

  5. Bills in Darlinghurst is well worth the extra trek from the CBD to check out their breakfasts and is a Sydney institution. Besides, going the distance will just build up your hunger for the tasty toasted coconut bread, or ricotta hotcakes with honey comb butter, or...

    Aussies love the grilled tomato with breakfast, spinach is often offered as a side as well which creates the handy illusion (delusion?) of turning that greasy plate into a "healthy" hangover cure. Hate to admit that they do bacon better than we Canucks. Avoid the standard breakfast sausage, but then again thats a rule I apply in any country.

    And such wonderful coffee. Enjoy.

  6. My favourite is from a shop tucked into the back of the highway truckstop outside Arai city (one of the few places I could walk to from my staff dorm)

    Kimchee and Shiro Miso Ramen - nothing better on a winters night.

    Certainly not a traditional dish (I think) but makes for damn fine slurping! Anyone else had this combo before?

  7. This past winter I was living in Niigata-ken and became addicted to the very popular dish of silken tofu, cold, with fresh grated ginger, julienned shiso and green onions on top. Sometimes served with the tiniest dried fish I have ever seen (about 3mm long!)

    At my last "family" meal there I was served the tofu with a new variation for spring - it was a very finely sliced shallot-like veg - very subtle, almost gingery, my hosts said it was very special.

    Any guesses?

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